The ever elusive spider


mott's best friend
Jun 7, 2013
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Tasty Cake
So I've been really struggling to catch the spider (not the tarantula but the one that comes out of trees.) Every night I shake my trees, but I still haven't seen it. I think it might be because I have one of those super crowded islands where many of my trees are "unshakeable" due to being blocked off. So maybe they're spawning in those trees instead? I don't know.

Does anyone know if these spawn via online/local play or maybe in mystery islands? I might need to go elsewhere to catch it.
I believe they do spawn on Mystery Islands as-well-as online. I've never really had a problem finding them, especially when shaking the trees at 5am. After shaking all trees, maybe it would work to save and reload and then repeat.
I believe they do spawn on Mystery Islands as-well-as online. I've never really had a problem finding them, especially when shaking the trees at 5am.
I think it might be because of the way my island is set up. Probably they're spawning in trees I can't reach. My friend started playing recently and she has been able to catch a bunch in her island so I'm guessing that they're not uncommon.
I didn't have a problem catching the spider back when I started the game, but what you are saying makes sense. I can confirm that bagworms spawn on mystery islands so I imagine spiders do too, and if so I would recommend going there instead!
Can you go to a friend's island to try to catch one?

I've never seen one on a mystery island but maybe that's because the total number of trees is not very high.
It dosent have to be night to catch them. Iv caught them during the day. I'm only starting this becuase the first 2 comments seemed like they needed to catch them while it was dark. Sorry if I read that wrong
It dosent have to be night to catch them. Iv caught them during the day. I'm only starting this becuase the first 2 comments seemed like they needed to catch them while it was dark. Sorry if I read that wrong

While not technically night, they are basically night bug in the game. Their schedule is 7pm to 8am
My island is probably like yours, where a lot of trees are inaccessible because of landscaping/furniture. I ended up catching most bugs that spawn on trees on mystery island tours or a friend’s island. I prefer that better because sometimes I’m running around my island doing chores and stuff and I accidentally scare a bug away because I wasn’t paying attention. But the only times I go on mystery tours are specifically to search for bugs or gather materials so I’m more focused.