The Gimp


Retired Staff
Feb 6, 2005

i'm sort of learning the gimp


this is really, really neat


yeah, its easier to do hard stuff than i thought, once i get good, i'll add gimpages to my sig shop


yeah, its a great program, once you figure out how to use it


now, if all goes well, i'll add in some images i've made... but i think they're too big for imageshack >_<


ok, i think this will be the extent of stuff i'll be able to show for now

:p other stuff is like 6 megs >_<
Pie_Or_Die said:
The Gimp is for newbs

CS2 all the way


well if u want to use what u want to use man
just for the record, an "easier" program, dosn't make it worse somehow, the gimp gets me what i want, and its good.

oh, if anyone wants any of my other work... you'd need instant messager.... or find a way for me to get you a BIG OL' file to you : )
shadow said:
Pie_Or_Die said:
The Gimp is for newbs

CS2 all the way


well if u want to use what u want to use man
pff.. <_<
im with fish, gimp roxs

totally true man, the gimp isn't exactly "easy" to use either... its harder than Photoshop, if you're using it the right way...
I use GIMP all the time, I just got the Photoshop 10 30-day trial, and well, haven't really learned how to use it.
I have the Gimp, it's cool. I still use paint the most though. Free is good.