Ok it's pretty simple. All you have to do is say how the person above you died. Then you list something you are doing.
Example person1:"Walking on the beach."
Next person:""Example person1 died while walking on the beach a early sunday morning and then a ice cream truck ramed her into the ocean.
bananaoracle got food poising by eating too much cheese that turned out to be rainbow cheese and later got the flu. so bananaoracle died a very fast death.
You were in Heaven but then when it was duck hunting season a hunter shot a cloud that you were passing by and you fell. The fall was so harsh it split you in half. o.-
you actually thought this book was safe enough, but inside there were man-eating termites that attacked you and devoured you to the point where no one will ever even know what happened...
as you were being an idiot, the god of stupidity felt embarrassed because you were such an idiot you put the word idiotic to shame, so he dropped an anvil from the clouds onto your head.