The Huge Metal Gear Mega Thread

Do it, I'm glad I did. It was a beautiful game to beat, I just recommend watching the Awesome Gear/Whatever it was for subtle help. Surprisingly that flash gave me game advice. God I hated that part.

I've got MGS1, MGS4, Peace Walker and Portable Ops Plus(Should have done my homework on that one) and have beaten them all at least once. Looking forward to the HD collection, especially since that means I can play Peace Walker online to truly enjoy all of it.

out of curiosity, having never played 2 or 3, how badly did mgs4 blow your mind?
out of curiosity, having never played 2 or 3, how badly did mgs4 blow your mind?
Well, I played MGS4 first but I was mostly able to keep up with the story. And quite frankly, I went through the first time like a Call of Duty player. MGS1 changed my ways and Peace Walker improved them. There's still some things I don't know about, but I'm just going to wait until the HD collection comes out to fill in the missing plot holes.