1, your collectables go in line based on date. I was under the impression it was when you bought them (which I guess technically would be true but nearly all of mine are bought from someone else so I thought it would be when I bought them). Now I see why people are particular about the dates.
2, this was from that Gieco commercial, river otters have hind flipper feet? How have I not known this?
I learned the reason why the NES Zapper (light gun) doesn't work on modern TVs. It's a bit obvious so I'm surprised I didn't know it before. Basically old CRT televisions show images instantaneously; I know about that. But what I didn't realize is that modern televisions show a complete image a frame after it's loaded, so there's a bit of a delay in the picture. Because the white box for the light gun is only shown on the TV for a single frame, the refresh rate of a modern TV is unable to keep up with the swift detection of the light gun. Therefore it is unable to work on a non-CRT television.
I started to watch a video last night about how someone managed to get a light gun to work on a modern tv set, but I had a horrible migraine so I didn't finish it. I'll have to do that today.
Edit: so I finished watching the video and apparently another thing keeps the zapper from working with a LCD TV. The light gun has a CRT filter! So it only picks up light of a certain frequency, that way things like light bulbs and other light sources don't interfere with the sensor on the gun. How interesting!
(Sorry I'm just nerding out so much right now lol)
This actually happened yesterday, but I learned that I'm actually distantly related to both Andrew Jackson and Jefferson Davis. I already knew I was distantly related to Lyndon B. Johnson and Mia Farrow.
Just remembered something from a bit ago I learned one day due to Stella's comment.
The fruit of the Cocoa bean (or at least the type in the video I saw) is a transparent white in color and the juice supposedly is very sweet and refreshing. I wonder if they sell it anywhere near here, it sounds interesting to taste.
you can actually bypass the censor as well, like if you play in English and you write something in Portuguese as their greeting it'll go in lol.
(i'd assume it works as long as you don't use the same/similar word in spanish since iirc it was translated to that, or with some languages it wasn't translated into)
Apparently you can get colds really easily no matter how and what you eat
Not exactly today today, but over the last 48 hours: I’ve figured out a stockinette stitch in knitting! (Only been doing it a week.. but all clear instructions I can find are for right handed knitters so I’m having to mentally flip everything)
That the two Ferrari's almost collided after pit stops at the 2005 US Grand Prix, almost costing them a 1-2 finish in the easiest race they've ever had
Our eyes aren't capable of picking up "blue-ish yellow" or "yellow-ish blue". If we mix blue lights with yellow lights, it'll turn into white light, where as if we mix blue and yellow pigments, it'll turn green. But we aren't really capable of seeing yellow with a blue tint, or blue with a yellow tint, so those are "forbidden colours". That being said, even though we aren't able to organically see those colours, some people find that if you take blue and yellow and look at them each with a different eye, and then cross their eyes, they can suddenly see a colour they didn't know existed. If you look up "forbidden colours", you'll probably find some images that have yellow on one side and blue on the other and they each have a cross in the middle, and if you can cross your eyes to make the two crosses meet and concentrate really hard, you might see it.