I already knew that a group of crows is called a "murder", but I decided to look into it out of curiosity. The term derives from the fact that crows usually scavenge areas for carrion to feast on, especially within places linked with death (hospitals, cemeteries, etc.)... Definitely makes sense now.
Apparently, there's a hotel in Russia that's called Limp Bizkit. (Which I would assume was named after the band?) I checked on Google Maps, and it's there... And the reviews are so funny.
I learned to never try to have a conversation on YouTube comments - everyone is either a literal infant or is so unintelligent it’s not worth your time
I know it’s widely known, but I didn’t realize that Christine Cavanaugh (voice of Dexter from Dexter’s Laboratory and Chuckie from Rugrats) had passed away.
The actor that played as Charlie in the original Charlie in The Chocolate Factory is now older than the actor for Grandpa Joe when he performed in that movie.
My Ancestry DNA came back. I am 36% Scottish, followed by British, Icelandic (?), Germanic Europe (so the Belgian checks out), Irish, and Danish. I am also 2% Portuguese and 2% Ashkenazi Jewish.
Hu Tieu, a Vietnamese breakfast soup, can also be served without broth. (I guess it’s not a soup at that point?) I’m not really into broth, so I would prefer that.
I've learned that eucalyptus trees are highly flammable.
Also, I've learned about that Tasmanian Devils as a marsupial species do exist and they're basically just as feral, if not even more feral than the Looney Tunes counterpart. Real Tasmanian Devils have black fur and usually smaller than the cartoon counterpart in comparison.