The Information Desk: Ask questions about the site here!

Just curious but is there something wrong with my computer or the forum? The other day I tried to logon but TBT said it was experiencing issues and it'll be back later. And since then my home page looks all wonky. Or maybe the themed was purposely changed? I don't recall it looking this way before.

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What happens if we try to report a moderator/admin? Is it treated like any other report?

It's 05:31 and I'm genuinely just curious and tired.

This has happened a few times, actually! Every time I've seen an instance of this it's just been someone trying to be funny, in which case we normally ignore it unless it becomes a pattern.

If someone had a genuine concern about a member of the site staff and wanted to keep it private, I'd recommend sending a PM to Jeremy as opposed to a standard report.
I have a question about my TBT. Just yesterday, I did my first TBT trade. It was my in-game items, in exchange for someone else's online TBT. It brought me to a page I haven't seen before, which was the TBT credits page (the page when you click on your own TBT count in your sidebar). In it, I see a display of every post I've made, like I've given, etc, and what the TBT pay rate was. However, I also notice, every 10 transactions or so (it varies), it shows that I spent an amount of TBT. I am confused by this, as I have never actually spent any TBT yet. I've been hoarding everything I've had since signing up. So am I being docked TBT during these "spent" transactions? Or what is the meaning/explanation of them?

I did my best to find the answer in an FAQ or anywhere else on the board, but came up empty. So I tried to answer my own question at least!

Thank you in advance, looking forward to hearing an answer.
I have a question about my TBT...

You can easily get back to that page by clicking on the number of Bells you have (either in the sidebar in posts or under Currency at the top of the page) then clicking Transactions, in case you're ever wondering. However, that wasn't your question and it wasn't even implied that's your issue.

If you look at these transactions where it appears that you have spent some Bells, you will see that there is another transaction giving you Bells around the same time. This is because when editing a post/thread, you can either earn or lose Bells since how many you receive is based on the length of what you have written. In fact, if you hover over how many you earned or lost, it will actually show you a word count. Here are two examples from my own transaction log:

03:04 - Spent 8.3 Bells - Words: 83
03:04 - Earned 8.3 Bells - Words: 83
03:03 - Earned 8.3 Bells - Words: 83

04:32 - Spent 0.5 Bells - Words: 7
04:32 - Earned 0.4 Bells - Words: 5
04:31 - Earned 0.5 Bells - Words: 7
This is because when editing a post/thread, you can either earn or lose Bells since how many you receive is based on the length of what you have written.

Ok. That was actually my suspicion. That editing posts had something to do with it.

Looking at all this, I would like to further my inquiry. I made a few longer posts last night (as well as another couple on other recent nights) in the Brewster's Cafe section of the forum, a couple paragraph's worth. I am noticing the most TBT I've received for each of these posts, is 10.5, credit for 200 words exactly. My questions are two:

Is that the cap? 200 words and 10.5 TBT? I see about 3-4 posts of mine that all read exactly 200 words. I didn't do a word count, but it would be pretty coincidental if they all were exactly the same amount of words.

Question 2 is, I have certainly edited a lot of posts. Especially in that cafe when writing out longer, more thought out responses. I will add a few words, change a few words, whatever the case might be. I have not however, made any major editing changes. Most of them would be just adding a few things, it's really not common that I take out much in these posts during editing. I bring this up, because I am seeing "spent" transactions that certainly are at rates much higher than they should be. Which really just brings up the question-of "What are you charged for, during editing?"

As I see during my log last night:

Today, 12:28 AM Post Spent 10.5 Bells
Today, 12:28 AM Post Earned 10.5 Bells

and on January 1st:
01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Spent 10.1 Bells
01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Earned 10.1 Bells

It's my guess that I finished the post, then within the same minute, edited it & added or changed literally a word or two, and submitted my quick edit within the same minute. Then, it charges me 10.5 or 10.1 TBT spent for the same 220 words that I was just given credit for. And I'm certainly not submitting 200+ word posts, and then entirely deleting them right away...

I'm sure there is an explanation & reason behind it, I'm just curious what it is & how it all works, so I know that I'm using the site properly.

Thank you for the fast reply! I really appreciate it.
Is that the cap? 200 words and 10.5 TBT?

From my experience, 10TBT is the limit per post. I think Brewster's gives less TBT than other boards (The Basement gives zilch) and you get more for creating new threads, especially if a poll is attached.

As I see during my log last night:

01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Spent 10.1 Bells
01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Earned 10.1 Bells

It's my guess that I finished the post, then within the same minute, edited it & added or changed literally a word or two, and submitted my quick edit within the same minute. Then, it charges me 10.5 or 10.1 TBT spent for the same 220 words that I was just given credit for.

Well, because you're not really adding or subtracting words, it kinda cancels out. If you look at three lines of your log at a time, you should hypothetically see something line this:

01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Spent 10.1 Bells
01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Earned 10.1 Bells
01-01-2017, 10:07 PM Post Earned 10.1 Bells

- - - Post Merge - - -

How long do we wait before bumping a thread?
Well, because you're not really adding or subtracting words, it kinda cancels out. If you look at three lines of your log at a time, you should hypothetically see something line this:

01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Spent 10.1 Bells
01-01-2017, 10:08 PM Post Earned 10.1 Bells
01-01-2017, 10:07 PM Post Earned 10.1 Bells

Ooookay... That would make sense. If what you're saying is there's 1 log of TBT for your original submission, a 2nd log of TBT for the editing, and a 3rd log, subtracting the TBT from log #2. I was thinking there was only 2 logs per posting, and I was getting subtracted what I'd just earned, and ending up with 0. You see what I mean?

But thank you! I do appreciate your time. Like I said, I figured there was reasoning & an explanation behind it all, I just wanted to clarify what it was to make sure I wasn't docking myself a bunch of TBT by doing something I was unaware of.
How long do we wait before bumping a thread?

You have to wait a minimum of 4 hours before you can bump your thread. However, in the amiibo Card Post Office, we ask you wait a minimum of 8 hours instead.