I have a question about group funds. If I cancel an impending group creation, should I return all funds to those who donated? I don't like scamming, but most of the TBT donations I got for my group are very minimal (like less than 100 TBT). I would take it as a yes if most donations exceeded 1,000 TBT to avoid scamming, but I don't know what to do if the total is less than 600 TBT.
I'm planning on cancelling the group funding process (or at least putting it on hiatus) because of how unpopular my group was. I got very little donations, and I'm still far far away from my goal. I also want to buy an expensive add-on as of now, but I don't want to make the others feel like they've been scammed. Even if the donations they made are easy to get back up to by posting. If I got 37,000 TBT donated right now, I would go on and start the group instead of getting more PM storage space or ability to send multiple PMs at once.