The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I moan into the kiss.


(( Aria's never kissed anyone before :rolleyes:
laf never has either so ))
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My kisses move on to her neck.

( idk what I'm doing I'm going off of romance novels here help )
I grimace in disgust at the sounds and climb off my bed. Hopefully, they're too distracted to notice me...
I let out another moan before covering my mouth.

The patients.....

My eyes widen at a creaking sound. Oh ****. Faye.....

My face flushes. "..... I think Faye's awake....." I whisper into Scott's ear.
I bite my lip and sit up, using the sheets to cover me. "...... Faye.... thanks for last night." I smile weakly. "I owe you one."
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I bite my lip.

.... What do I do...?

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I sit up. When I do so, I wince at the pain from the cuts, but put my arms around Aria.
"Thanks, Faye. I owe you one."
I've no idea what she did, but she obviously helped us..
My hand starts to shake. "It's fine... I didn't do that much... Just somehow managed to stop Holly..." I need to leave now... but why does it hurt...?
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I lean my head into the crook of Scott's neck.

"...... You saved our lives. Saying that you 'didn't do that much' is a bit of an understatement, no?"
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I stay, facing the door. "... but you had to save me too... My plan was a bit weak... I was stupid and reckless... I could've gotten us all killed..." I sigh. Why are they being so nice all of a sudden...? Is this what teamwork feels like...? If it is, why work alone?

No, Faye. You need to stay by yourself. They say that now but they're lying. Working alone is best...

Or is it...?
I sigh.
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I bite my lip.
"Okay, without you, we would've slowly died by blood loss. Seriously, thanks."
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