The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I climb down from the ship and walk down the boardwalk to the beach area.

I sit in the cool sand and watch the waves crash along the shore.
I look up at Scott, unsure of what to say.

...... No. She wants to stay, right?
She can't just leave......
..... But it's not my choice.
Ironic how things work out this way... Reminds me of the story mother always told me as a child...
I run down the boardwalk.

Aria said that she'd give me tour today! Whoo~

I do a fist pump as I run. "Oh sh*—" I trip over someone.

(( Goddamnit Leon ))

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I— I don't know....." I say hesitantly.
I close my eyes, recalling her words.


"Faye, the world is a dark, cruel place... they would give anything to see you fall down. You can only survive by yourself. Remember that and you will live." She holds my face in her hands; wiping away at my tears. "Goodbye, Faye." She walks through the door and leaves me.

I scream out, watching my mother leave.


A single tear falls down my cheek but I stop myself. Crying is for the weak... I'm not weak. I must be strong.
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I dust myself off.

"Sorry— oh hey, you're that girl." I frown at her tear.(( YES. JUST ONE. ))
"You alright?"
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".... She'll come back, right....?"

I bite my lip.

(( guis we gotta somehow turn this romantic))

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Y'know, I was never one to watch a lady cry."

I sit down next to her.

Ugh, sand. I need to get this outfit cleaned later.

"...... What's wrong?"
"..I saw her shaking. She's unsure. I'm sure she'll come back soon."
I hug her a little tighter.
I kiss Scott on the cheek. ".... Yeah...."

..... She can't just leave....

"Alright. How about you just talk aloud to yourself and I totally won't listen to you at all."
"She doesn't matter right now. You're the only one that matters."
I lay down and pull her down on top of me.

~Fades to black~
I let out a small yelp as Scott pulls me down.

"Sc— Scott....?"

~ FADE TO BLACK ~ :rolleyes:
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