The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I whistle as I board the ship.


I freeze in place when I notice the people.

"..... Oh, hi."
"Something was calling me... to throw myself in there... it looked so peaceful." I shrug.


"You'd better not go in there. If you want to swim so badly, go swim in a pool! Just don't go in the ocean where it could kill you!"
Aphrodite seethed.
I glance at Leon. "..... Oh, hey."

I watch Faye.

"..... Am I missing something here....? I brought presents."
I glare at Leon. "Not you again..." What's up with this guy...?
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I glance at Scott. "..... Leon's a close friend of mine. I've known him for years."

I wink. "Remember that time in Milan?"

I tilt my head.


"...... We were eight then, I hardly remember anything from that long ago."
I study Leon. He seems quite fond of her.
He better not..nnnghh..
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I frown at Aphrodite. "..."

I glare at Leon. "We don't want your ****ing gifts. Go away."
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