The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I nod at the kid. "Yo."

".... I have some news for Aria that she'll probably want to hear. And," I glance at Faye. "like I said before, I have gifts."
"Sorry, no can do. I can't leave when the party's just starting."

"..... What kind of news?"

"..... Not exactly good, but not the worst."
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I look back and forth between the two of them.
"Leon, I'm the captain here. You could've asked permission before you boarded."
I scratch the back of my head. "Sorry."

"Leon, what kind. What's going on?"

I sigh and reach into my pocket.

I hold up a diamond ring.
I crack open the shell, and suck the meat out. I only eat half of the crab so that Anne can have the rest.
"Don't tell him what?" I say, irritated.
"That a man is proposing to you on my ship?"
I glance at the man. "..... We should talk somewhere more private. You know what this means, right?"

I grimace. "Nothing good."
I glare at my man out of the corner of my eye.
"If privacy is what you want, you can use the medical bay. My cabin isn't available.
I walk inside the cabin and shut the door behind me. Ugghh..
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".... Alright then. Let's go."

"Follow me." I lead the way to the Medical Bay.

I close the door behind us. "....."

"He's here, isn't he?"
"Yes... no... maybe..." I bite my lip.

I glare at Leon. "I don't want any gifts... just go away..."


Aphrodite looked hurt. "...Fine. Leave then. Leave for all I care. Abandon us. You won't have to worry if we're injured or hurt or even dead anymore. You're free." What was she doing? She shouldn't hurt Faye. "Scum." She said, turning away, tears in her eyes. She just made a huge mistake. She should do something.

But she kept walking away.
"Yup. I found the ring in the pawn shop."

".... Is it possible that there was a copy....?"

"Definitely not. Your engagement ring was one of a kind."

I bite my lip. "****."
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After that ordeal, I wake up in a bed.

No way...
She's getting him..
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"..... Just keep your head down for now. Rumors have been flying recently about the 'star crossed lovers'. A pirate and a noble, how it could never be!" I say dramatically while I stare into the distance.

I bite my lip. "..... Got it. Can you do me a favor?"

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