The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I walk over and hold my blade near Faye's neck. "Get off or she gets it."

(Woah... TBT just crashed for me for like an hour.)
"..... Do that and I'll kill your precious Mitchell." I glare at Holly.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"... Faye is coming with me."

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I continue cleaning.

..... Is someone actually going to put an end to those two...?
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"Alright." I walk over to Mitchell and put my sword at his neck.

"..... Just a little pressure and he'll be bleeding out all over this deck."
( *cough* Capture her. *cough* )

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Do that and I'll kill your precious Scott."

I tackle Holly to the ground. "..... Don't you dare harm Scott."

I hold my sword to her neck.

(( Watch Laf **** this up :rolleyes: ))
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I smirk and push her down; climbing on top of her. "Or maybe I'll kill you and your unborn child instead."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"I wonder how Scott would like that." I laugh.
..... The **** did she know...?

I glare at Holly and use my sword to stab her in the leg. I quickly stand up and point the sword at her neck.
I rest my other hand on my lower abdomen.

"...... Don't **** with me."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(( I can't do fight scenes ))
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"Gladly." I smirk and use my other leg to kick her to the ground in an attempt to knock her down again.
".... ****..."

I stab Holly in the abdomen as I fall to the ground.
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(Uh... Scott's supposed to kill. lmfao)

I lay back on the floor; writhing at the amount of pain. I quickly recover from the initial shock as I had felt more pain before and steadily stand up. "This isn't over, *****."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Mitchell needs to see Holly die. XD )
(( I know but Aria needed to get a hit in ;D ))

I tighten my grip on the sword's handle and slowly stand up.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I watch the two women fight, my eyes wide.

..... Should I do something....?
One of them is pregnant...

I bite my lip.
I approach her and ask sweetly, "Did you enjoy your cuts? Shall I give you more?" I wink.

I sleepily moan out in pain.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Just realized Holly's still in her bathing suit/covered in cuts and blood from the make out session. lmfao)

(Aria should say something about it.)
"....." I glance over at Faye.

Forgive me if I am doing a wrong. I pray.

I hit Holly on the head with my broom, enough force to knock her out.

My eyes widen. Well. Actually, what the hell is wrong with her outfit?! That's a ****load of blood.....
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I glance at the girl. "...... Thanks, I guess."

I hesitate. "..... You are welcome. Can you help me get off this ship?"

"Definitely." I smile. "Can you help me lift up Faye?" I point her out. ".... I need to take care of her back at the Bay."

".... Alright."

~ Stuff happens and they reboard The Jade Dagger ~

I sigh as I finish bandaging Holly up. ".... Are these chains actually going to work...?"
I glance over to Faye.
I yawn; once again falling into a deep sleep.

- - - Post Merge - - -

In my passed out state, I mumble, "Mitchell... cut me again... like you did last time..."

"What. The. Hell."

They cut each other?!

"Are you alright...?"

"Fine as a fiddle, why?" I glance up at the girl. "I'm Aria, by the way."

".... Akiko. I am Akiko."

".... You are pregnant, no?"

"...We don't know for sure yet."


- - - Post Merge - - -

(( How did Holly know that Aria is pregnant? o-o ))
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