"That splash was probably Faye.. she well deserved it. But.. if you didn't help her now, wouldn't that have made all the times you've saved her in the past pointless?"
She gave into her worrying thoughts. She set off for Holly's ship - she figured she and Mitchell were the root of the problem now - and thought about what she should say to Faye.
Aphrodite saw Aria already there - behind a crate. What should she do? She should hide too.. somewhere nearby Faye. She looked around the ship and saw Faye laying on the ground. She got herself in trouble again. Aphrodite was seriously considering cuffing herself to Faye..
Passing Aria, she made a gesture to stay quiet and took light footsteps past her to a crate that was around 10 feet behind Faye and Holly.
Meanwhile, Orion - has just emerged from studying on medicines for five hours straight in the downstairs deck. Not surprised by what Holly was doing, he asked, "What's going on here?"