The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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"..Yeah... Uh..." Now I'm screwed. What do I say? I don't know why I have stronger feelings for him than my other friends... Wait, do I... Think of him as more than that..?
That can't be right, can it? I ignore him giggling, and watch him staring at the water. Kyon, is that right? "Do I like you as more an a friend?" I mutter, not realising I said it out loud instead of in my head.
"N-Nothing..!" I flush red realising I said that out loud. I've never liked anyone as more that a friend, that would explain why I've never felt this emotion before... No, that can't be right. Can it?
...She's gone..
I have nothing to live for..

I walk up to the deck of my ship. To the's fitting I should die there.

( Gonna change his color because it's the same as whatshisface )
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If I tried to explain, would it help? "...I've had a few friends before, but you... I feel different about you... I'm just not quite sure why..." I mumble quietly.
"...But I don't know... The only thing I can come up with is... the possibility that I like you as more than just a friend..."
Blushing as I shake my head, I turn away from him to look at the ship, not wanting to look at him. I spot someone on the other ship, the one next to ours. I wonder who that is..?
I blush a little, then regain my composure, rustling his hair. "Well done, you completed your homework! even if it was a little late."
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