The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I open my eyes slowly and put a hand to my battered face.
..I killed her.
I roll over underneath the covers and groan.
I ignore the women talking to me, getting up and kicking the wall again in revenge. "STUPID WALL! YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME?!"
...Is he an idiot? I watch Kyon's brother kick the wall again. That's just going to hurt more, and not achieve anything...
Okay, so what do I do now? Well, looks like they won't be needing me anymore... I trip on something and go over the railing.
I watch Scott quietly as he mumbles to himself.

...... I should go. I lightly stroke my lower abdomen. .... Yeah.

(( idk she wants to permanently leave or just go for a walk
since Faye/Scot are both grieving badly, Aria thinks part of it was her/the baby's fault.))
Of course it hurts, you just kicked a wall twice... I'm not sure whether to introsuce myself, try to help, or just laugh at his stupidity.
I get up and rub my head. I notice some one looking through a door. I sneak up to it and raise my arms slightly. "Boo!" I say in a loud but cute voice.
I suddenly sit up in bed with my hair a mess and my hand touching a bruise on my cheek.
My eyes widen and I jump back slightly. "....."

...... He looks distinctly..... Japanese.
I notice her kimono and grab at it, lifting the skirt part up accidentally to get a closer look. "Wooooahhhh, that's so cute, so you're Japanese too?"
"..... Scott..." I say softly.

I know I shouldn't leave, but I've become too much of a burden here...

I rest my hands on my abdomen.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I back away quickly, my eyes wide.

"..... Yes.."
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I continue to back up until I bump into the couch.

"..... Is that so..?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I bite my lip and sit down next to him.
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