The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I mumble sleepily and slowly wake up. I notice Teddy had left. Oh, god... What the **** was that...? I'm so glad he left... I slowly put my clothes back on and sigh. This is too much... Next port, I'm leaving... And I won't tell anyone this time.

I sit with my back resting on the wall and easily doze off again.
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"Wha?" I stammer, my words already screwed up from the effects of the alcohol. "That's.... You're... The... It's irrevlanent!" I say.
"Never better!" I say, attempting to clamber up the stairs past them.
"She's sleeping in the cellar." I answer. "She passed out after we... after she got too drunk."
I rush up the stairs and into the guys' dorm. I pull the blanket over my head. What the hell is wrong with me?! She practically killed my brother, and I can't resist sleeping with her!
I try to open the door to the last part of the cellar.
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