The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I blurt out a bit quickly, "I kinda want to leave the crew..." I blush and close my eyes; feeling ashamed.
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"Everything's happening too fast... too much is going on here... I want a simpler life..." I sigh.
I lie back down on the bed. "I... I don't know... maybe I can go back to my hometown and try to make something of myself..." I wonder if he still lives there...
"... You're right, that does sound nice. Faye, just know that we'll always be here for you, even if you do decide to leave."
I stare up at the ceiling and say, "He was just a guy I knew who lived nearby... we'd hang out almost every day... Then..." My voice cracks. "when my mom left... and I knew I couldn't stay... he helped me out and supported my decision to leave... I just hope he doesn't hate me..."
I pat her head. ".... If he's even half the guy you think he is, he could never hate you."
"Wait... where's this ship even going anyways...?" What if we somehow end up... going to my old city...?
I stand up and make my way back to the cabin.

So this is where he went...

I crawl under the blankets and fall asleep next to Scott.
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(( So I just realized that I never typed out what happened to Akiko ))

I fall asleep beside the bench, my head on Itsuki's chest.
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