The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I wave to the two of them before heading below deck.

"Alright!" I beam. "Where should we start..? The Jade Dagger is quite small compared to ours."
I bite my lip and think. Hm...

"Where's your favorite spot on the ship?"
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I shrug.

"I don't really have one... I mean, I do, but I can't exactly bring you there."
I take a deep breath. "I used to like the sea... but ever since her death, it just... doesn't feel the same anymore..."
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I hear Faye's voice approaching and quickly run into a closet. ****, I didn't think this far ahead... What will I even say to her...? I'd better just try to avoid them for now...
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I close my eyes and expel a sigh. "... my mother..."

- - - Post Merge - - -

(I love how they don't even know Mitchell is dead. Has the ship left yet? I could make Asher run to tell them the bad news.)
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After walking around the neighborhood, my head is finally clear.

I'm just about to go back home when a putrid smell comes my way. That's strange... I go to check it out and find Mitchell's dead body just laying there while a gun sits on the ground. ...I need to tell Antonio before he leaves...

I start to run towards the port at top speed.

After a long run there, I pause on the dock to catch my breath. While I do so, I catch a glimpse of his ship. Phew... they're still here.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Yeah..." I open my eyes and fake a smile. "But let's talk about happier things instead."

I jokingly ask, with a wide smirk growing on my face, "When's the wedding?"
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"Oh? Why not?"

(Are they on the top of the ship still?)

(( ye ))

"... Well, as far as the world knows, Antonio and Aria's wedding plans are still on. We're still trying to work something out with Uncle."
I reply solemnly, "Oh, I see."

Feeling bad for bringing this up, I ask cheerfully, "On with the tour then?"

My breathing finally returns to normal and I swiftly walk over to Antonio's ship. I call out to Leon, "Wait!"
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