The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I climb onto the ship quickly, breathing heavily. "S-something." I take a deep breath. "Something happened. Where's Antonio?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

I look down at my feet to avoid Asher's gaze, slightly blushing as I do so. I haven't seen him since that... kiss... but can I really lead him on after all we've been through...?
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I close my eyes, not wanting to see how she would react. "Mitchell's dead. He was shot. I don't know who did it."

I slowly crumple to the ground, clutching at my heart. I... I just met him... why... why did this happen?!
My eyes widen. "... Oh god..."

I kneel down and wrap my arms around Faye. "... Tony's office is the door closest to the stairs."
I nod. "Thanks."

I walk to where his office is and slowly knock on the door.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My voice cracks as I speak, "W-why... w-why... why?!"
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I look up from my work. "... Who is it?"

"... Why don't we go to the Oriental room? It'll soothe you." I smile weakly.

(( brb shower))
"It's Asher. I have bad news."

I start to shake as reality sets in. "..."

They're... both...


"...Come in."

"..." I bite my lip. "If it would make you cope better, I can try to convince Asher to voyage home with us."
I hesitantly walk inside and close the door behind me. "Well, this is going to hurt either way so might as well come right out with it. Mitchell's dead."

"...I... can't do that to him."
My eyes widen.


"... What if he actually wants to come along? We'll never know until we try."
I repeat myself in case he didn't hear me correctly, "Mitchell's dead. Someone shot him. I don't know who. I found him in an alleyway all alone."

I sigh. "He has a life here though..."
"... And maybe he thinks that you're more important than that life." I say softly.

I stand up. "Let's go." I burst through the door.
I repeat myself in case he didn't hear me correctly, "Mitchell's dead. Someone shot him. I don't know who. I found him in an alleyway all alone."

I sigh. "He has a life here though..."

"But I don't." I step out from the corner, where I had been inching closer and listening to the conversation.
I follow Antonio out the door.

I stare wide-eyed as Teddy appears out of nowhere but I don't pull myself out of Leon's embrace.

(He's still hugging her, right?)
I follow him onto the deck and roll my eyes at the scene. This looks like a scene straight from a movie...
"No." I say. ****, I should've waited until the ship actually LEFT before revealing myself...
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