I walk off the ship and pause on the dock to take one last glance at the group. I hope they can all find happiness... It makes me happy knowing that she's safe now...
... I can't believe Asher would leave just like that... I thought he'd want to stay... Does he really care about me enough to leave me like that? To let me down softly and gently...
"I'm not going to do that. You need to accept that people make mistakes. And as badly as I ****ed up, I won't let you run away from this. I don't want to lose you after everything that's happened."
"Why am I doing what to you? I'm trying to help you see that you can trust people... If I knew you didn't want me... 'with' your cousin, I wouldn't have done it..."
I walk off the ship and pause on the dock to take one last glance at the group. I hope they can all find happiness... It makes me happy knowing that she's safe now...
I walk off to a nearby cafe to grab a bite to eat. I order a sandwich to go than go down to the beach to sit in the sand and eat. Going back to work tomorrow... that'll be exciting...
(He's close enough to hear any loud screams/fighting but far enough to be away from it.)