The Katie Thread

Katie is in my town! I need to get rid of her as soon as I can, because I'm TTing to get hybrids.
Hi! Katie's in my town! This is the first time she's ever showed up for me, but I'm kinda in the middle of something and would like her out ASAP.
Katie is in my town today, please let me know if you'd like her!
I got Katie in my town, now. Anyone wanna take the kitty off my hands? I'm even willing to give you a full set of perfect pears and/or a full set of lychees as a reward! :cool:

UPDATE: Nevermind, I already got a deal.
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Hi!! Katie’s being rude and won’t let Phineas here, I’d be super grateful if you’d let me drop her off!!
I have katie in my town anyone wanna take her?

Sure, I'll take her again. However, I have a question: Once Katie appears in my town again, will she still be there for me to escort during the WHOLE day?

BTW You're welcome to look around my town and shop in it. :)
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Sure, I'll take her again. However, I have a question: Once Katie appears in my town again, will she still be there for me to escort during the WHOLE day?

BTW You're welcome to look around my town and shop in it. :)

I don't know; I never had her in my town before.