The KiloPatches Advice Column and Q&A Thread!

Hi Kilo, It's been so long! wow!!
sorry for not having anything important to say other that bumping your thread XD
but I thought you left the site, so welcome back~
btw, I believe I told you I restarted my town? this might be the 4th time but it's great XD
Hello, Noir! Welcome! Thank you for stopping by!

I am studying to ultimately, obtain my Masters in Psychology in the stream of Applied Social (which is more Research-based, than Clinical-based) and pursue my Doctorate (PhD in Psychology) to become a professor and teach at a university. However, I also want to obtain my license to have a clinical practice, which is why in the Doctoral program I will need a Practicum and experience in the field. I currently work in a Peer Support Centre that has given me some training in counselling, and I have also been trained in the Clinical stream of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - If you'll notice, in many of my posts, I use the CBT model when giving advice to people, because that's the approach I am trained in, and according to most practitioners, agreeably it is the most effective across the board with most clients, however there are other approaches to therapy as well. CBT is my preferred approach because based on my own personal struggles with mental illness, I have found that you can't "switch off" your emotions. But there IS a link between your THOUGHTS and how you FEEL. Usually your Thoughts are Automatic. They are channelled through "Core Beliefs". Sometimes "Core Beliefs" can be very negative, and be distorted, and we become very defensive and protective of them and have difficulty challenging them for the same reason you don't bring up Religion and Politics and dinner parties - they are sensitive subjects that people have strong opinions about: Core Beliefs, that they will strongly defend. But what if your Core Belief was "I am a loser" or "I'm worthless" as strongly as it was "I believe in God" or "The Sky is Blue" or "2+2=4"? So if you can't change how you feel, isn't it liberating to know its within your grasp to change how you think? Its within YOUR power to challenge your Core Beliefs that feed your negative thought patterns that run trough your mind like a broken record! You can replace those thoughts with different ones, affirmations, and teach yourself to alter the way you think, which will alter the way you feel. And when you have REALLY reached rock bottom and changing the way you THINK is too difficult, the CBT model doesn't give up on you yet! You can change your BEHAVIOUR and force yourself to do the activities you used to enjoy doing to get back into a routine. Those sorts of things life your mood and allow you to think clearer that you can really sit down and become self-aware of your thought patterns and challenge them as they appear. Negative thought patterns, by the way are also known as "Cognitive Distortions". HOW do you challenge them, you ask? THAT's where I, or a therapist comes in. I have the tools to help you at my disposal. So THAT is why I like this model. Change your Behaviour - Change Your Thoughts - Which in turn, Changes how you Feel - and the cycle continues, you behaviour patterns change: you isolate less and socialize more, you smoke/drink less, you eat healthier, you exercise more, you are more motivated and productive, etc.... That's how the model works. So that is (in quite a lengthy description) what I am studying for - Clinical Practice in CBT, as well as a professorship.

I want to share with you something: Its called a Personal Bill of Rights from The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook. This is an adaptation, done by Mary-Ellen Copeland, the author of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan:
Take a look at the items on that list. REALLY take them in.
"Is it healthy to be bitter..."
Now if you are asking a sort of "Forgive and Forget" type of scenario, I am not for that type of thinking. CBT is NOT about "The Power of Positive Thinking". Or Denial. Or "NEVER HAVING A NEGATIVE EMOTION EVER!". NO.
Stress. Anger. Anxiety. These are all HEALTHY, human and NECESSARY emotions for SURVIVAL. Its WHY WE HAVE THEM.
First and foremost, 1. You have the RIGHT to feel bitter towards them. They were abusive towards you. You were hurt, and you have the right to feel hurt. Its what you DO with that hurt that is within YOUR control. How will you cope? It has NOTHING to do with THEM. Will you drink? Will you smoke? Will you withdrawal? Will you self-harm? Will you act out aggressively? THOSE ARE CHOICES. Choices you MUST take accountability for.
What are the Anger Rules?
1. Don't Hurt Others
2. Don't Damage Property
3. Don't Hurt Yourself.
Yes, you can feel bitter, but its what you DO with that bitterness that matters. EXTERNAL of them. FOCUS ON YOU.

As for the loss of your cousin, I truly sympathize and I offer my deepest condolences. My mother died July 6th 2010, so that anniversary is coming up. I watched her bleed to death. My father is my only other living relative, and he is an abusive alcoholic, 5 hours away that doesn't even know my age, never mind my major at university.

I will say this: what is beneath the surface may not be what's shown. Your sisters MAY STILL be grieving, they may just not be showing it. Alternatively, I often get the question (and you may too), "Were you close?". AS IF THAT SHOULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE - SHE WAS MY ****ING MOTHER!!!! (But yes, we were VERY close). I guess it DOES matter.... perhaps if you're not close with someone it makes it easier to grieve? If your sisters weren't close to your cousin, then they didn't have the special relationship you had, so naturally you would have a harder time. Why should that bother you? THEY CAN GO **** THEMSELVES. Have some respect. If family means anything to them (in my family it doesn't, but in SOME family it does) they should have the decency to give you your space to grieve in your own time. Remember the Bill of Right? "I have the Right to Ask for What I Want"? There. Spell it out to them. Be Assertive. Don't take **** from them. It took me YEARS to stand up to my Dad. But there is a difference between Assertive Communication and Aggressive Communication. As well as Passive and Passive-Aggressive Communication. (I don't know what your style is). But its important to practice assertiveness. Write down EXACTLY what you want on a piece of paper. Rehearse it. Calmly. Confront them. Calmly. Spell it out. Clearly, effectively. If they give you back talk, use the broken record method - just repeat yourself. "I understand that, but [INSERT REQUEST HERE]" ***BLAH BLAH BLAH YAK YAK YAK SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM*** "Uh huh.... [INSERT REQUEST HERE]".... repeat. Works every time with annoying people like that.

Hope that helps a bit! Let me know if I can assist with ANYTHING else, you are ALWAYS welcome here and my inbox is always open ^^
How many bells did you earn from that post :rolleyes:
Hi Kilo, It's been so long! wow!!
sorry for not having anything important to say other that bumping your thread XD
but I thought you left the site, so welcome back~
btw, I believe I told you I restarted my town? this might be the 4th time but it's great XD

Hey, Cookies!
Thanks! Good to be back!
My Shop in Re-Tail is also having a Grand Reopening on May 1st! EXCITING!
Congrats on the reset! *thumbs up!* Hope it works out for you. (I could never do that.... tooooo attacheddddd!!!!!!!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

How many bells did you earn from that post :rolleyes:

What does it matter? I didn't do it for the bells..... That was my sincere answer.
Oh, hey, welcome back! How are things going with you?

Thanks, Myst!

Not great, to be honest. Perhaps better spoken in a PM.

I will say this though:

Financial turmoil is always fun. Going to buy groceries at peak hour when the line is 10 carts long and you get "Insufficient Funds" so you frantically take items off, humiliated out of your mind, until your card accepts the transaction..... THAT'S always fun. THAT happened today. I don't even want to be rich, I just want to live COMFORTABLY, you know? Not be -$500 overdraft CONSTANTLY and have to make sure its back to $0 by the time the end of the month rolls around. And oh yeah.... rent.... gotta cough up $725... and have THAT sitting in my account and just..... wait..... and wait..... and wait.... God, I just LOVE the waiting..... can't make a transaction or touch my debit card until that cheque goes through! Because WHO KNOWS when the landlord will deposit that cheque! Could be the 1st.... could be the 5th.... could be the 8th.... So I just wait..... and everyday I check my back account..... and the money is still just SITTING THERE...... TAUNTING ME..... And then it comes a time when I just MULTIPLE cheques out to different people, like a chiropractor (to give an example). God forbid they deposit on the same day! Suddenly I get a BIG, FAT, NSF charge in my account.... last one was $98.... BRUTAL.... Then I gotta re-write those cheques.... send them out again with DIFFERENT deposit dates..... GAWD...... I HATE CHEQUES!!!!!! And then there are my credit cards..... I am $400 over my limit.... and I can't pay it.... DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG ITS BEEN SINCE I MADE A CREDIT CARD PURCHASE?! Like 3 YEARS!!!! Its just Interest now! I am just paying off....Whatever I couldn't pay off THEN because I was in trouble THEN and my card got declined THEN so I put it on credit to save my *ss..... Well that happen a few too many times (I guess). And then there are OTHER bills.... Internet..... Cell Phones.... We don't have expensive plans or anything..... we have the lowest of the low..... but its still an EXTRA expense..... And then there is the storm cloud above my head, the $52,000 debt in student loans, plus $4000 overpayent.....

POINT IS...... I just want to be comfortable..... I work friggin 2 jobs during the school year WHILE IN SCHOOL (one pays $12/hr, the other pays $19/hr), and my boyfriend has a GA position, 10 hours per week at $38/hr during the school year and a full time job over the summer doing manual labour at a tile/flooring company at $13/hr and WE CAN'T STAY AFLOAT.

I don't want to be rich, I just want to be able to 1. Pay rent 2. Be OUT OF OVERDRAFT 3. Afford Groceries without getting my card declined..... IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Welcome back! So nice to hear from you again. :)

Very good to see you too, Steven :) <3
Thanks, Myst!

Not great, to be honest. Perhaps better spoken in a PM.

I will say this though:

Financial turmoil is always fun. Going to buy groceries at peak hour when the line is 10 carts long and you get "Insufficient Funds" so you frantically take items off, humiliated out of your mind, until your card accepts the transaction..... THAT'S always fun. THAT happened today. I don't even want to be rich, I just want to live COMFORTABLY, you know? Not be -$500 overdraft CONSTANTLY and have to make sure its back to $0 by the time the end of the month rolls around. And oh yeah.... rent.... gotta cough up $725... and have THAT sitting in my account and just..... wait..... and wait..... and wait.... God, I just LOVE the waiting..... can't make a transaction or touch my debit card until that cheque goes through! Because WHO KNOWS when the landlord will deposit that cheque! Could be the 1st.... could be the 5th.... could be the 8th.... So I just wait..... and everyday I check my back account..... and the money is still just SITTING THERE...... TAUNTING ME..... And then it comes a time when I just MULTIPLE cheques out to different people, like a chiropractor (to give an example). God forbid they deposit on the same day! Suddenly I get a BIG, FAT, NSF charge in my account.... last one was $98.... BRUTAL.... Then I gotta re-write those cheques.... send them out again with DIFFERENT deposit dates..... GAWD...... I HATE CHEQUES!!!!!! And then there are my credit cards..... I am $400 over my limit.... and I can't pay it.... DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG ITS BEEN SINCE I MADE A CREDIT CARD PURCHASE?! Like 3 YEARS!!!! Its just Interest now! I am just paying off....Whatever I couldn't pay off THEN because I was in trouble THEN and my card got declined THEN so I put it on credit to save my *ss..... Well that happen a few too many times (I guess). And then there are OTHER bills.... Internet..... Cell Phones.... We don't have expensive plans or anything..... we have the lowest of the low..... but its still an EXTRA expense..... And then there is the storm cloud above my head, the $52,000 debt in student loans, plus $4000 overpayent.....

POINT IS...... I just want to be comfortable..... I work friggin 2 jobs during the school year WHILE IN SCHOOL (one pays $12/hr, the other pays $19/hr), and my boyfriend has a GA position, 10 hours per week at $38/hr during the school year and a full time job over the summer doing manual labour at a tile/flooring company at $13/hr and WE CAN'T STAY AFLOAT.

I don't want to be rich, I just want to be able to 1. Pay rent 2. Be OUT OF OVERDRAFT 3. Afford Groceries without getting my card declined..... IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?!

No, problem!

Oh, that's unfortunate to hear. ;w;

Oh, my... that seems like a lot... I hope things get better in the future for you. Hang in there!
REMINDER: (I'm not trying to mini-mod but, I have a problem lol.)
Bumping a thread that is a month old or later is against the rules of The Bell Tree Forum!

You have been around about as long as I have. I joined in March, you Joined May 2014.
Really, when it comes to authority on the subject, the mods have been very clear, if you go through any history of this thread, there have been month-long gaps in the past, but that rule is in place for a reason, much like doubling replicate threads is also against the rules also, causes redundancy.

My shop, or any shop, can go inactive for some time if the shop owner needs to take some time off and then re-open for business. With my shop for instance, where transaction records, and feedback forms and such is relevant no matter how long you have been a customer, closed or not, your reputation and points accumulated at my store remains. Thus, opening a new thread every time I have to reopen my shop would be chaotic. Shops are disqualified from that rule. Contemporary based Discussion threads, most definitely, should remain active and shouldn't be bumped an excessive period afterwards once the topic is irrelevant. Selling an item or a villager, once sold, the thread should be closed so as not to dissuade users from believing it is still up for sale. But this thread has not received any problems from the moderators for bumping, as far as I know it does not fall under any rule breaking category, in fact to my knowledge mini-modding is borderline rule breaking, especially since we just hired a new set of what I have faith of fully capable moderators to handle any rule breaking, this is simply not your place, given that you have the same experience on the forum as I do. You intruded my thread with something off-topic, and not relevant to my thread's discussion topics at all, which is also "rule-breaking", so to speak, if you really want to get specific. So likewise, I too, have a problem with this. This is a safe space I created for TBT users to utilize my specializations to which I am clinically trained, and I can attest I have helped users on this thread, and forum in general. Your comment was rude and unnecessary, as I provide a free service to the community here. Users were simply showing their support.

I intend to continue to maintain the safe space I created, I do not wish to create conflict on this thread or cause issues or discomfort.
If you do not have something relevant to the thread, be it a problem, distress, grief you have, or something supportive to contribute to users who are experiencing something difficult (you can't bash other people's problems or minimize them), don't post here, with risk that, like the "What's Bothering You Thread" did, 2 or 3 times, got closed. It is now reopened, but I will not moderate or intervene and offer personal advice to EVERY person there like I can on here. I generally don't support any tertiary intervention in general, because if people pose a question or a problem, they pose that dialogue to me. My answers come from clinical training, and interpretation, and assessment of the situation, whereas it runs the risk that others might offend or trigger the person with long winded responses or personal anecdotes, unknowingly. And That dialogue is for public observation to be related to or learned from if you experience something similar or find it helpful in your own life (hence, "Advice Column"), alternatively that dialogue can be made private via PM as well if they are not comfortable with it being shared publicly, and I am bound by strict confidentiality in my practice with the clients I see in real life - Same rules apply here.

So I stress again. Please maintain the safe space I have tried to create and maintain. Stay on topic, as per forum rules. To my understanding, bumping this particular thread is not against forum rules. Going off topic, as such, is. We have highly capable moderators. If you need to report an issue, or grievance, they are very friendly, contact any of them, I most certainly encourage it over mini-modding.
I need advice ><

There's a boy who keeps following me around everywhere, and he thinks I'm his best friend because I went to the same school with him for kindergarten. (yes kindergarten) and I never knew him until now. He's annoying the hell out of me and I want to get away from him. But I'm not sure the counsellors would allow me to change my schedule. I don't like him but I think he likes me o.e
Ugh it's just so annoying, he's always saying, "ELLA YOU'RE HERE!! ELLA DONT GO!! ELLA STAY!! WE ARE BESTIES!!" I'm just like STFO and get out of my life
I need advice ><

There's a boy who keeps following me around everywhere, and he thinks I'm his best friend because I went to the same school with him for kindergarten. (yes kindergarten) and I never knew him until now. He's annoying the hell out of me and I want to get away from him. But I'm not sure the counsellors would allow me to change my schedule. I don't like him but I think he likes me o.e
Ugh it's just so annoying, he's always saying, "ELLA YOU'RE HERE!! ELLA DONT GO!! ELLA STAY!! WE ARE BESTIES!!" I'm just like STFO and get out of my life

Hey! Welcome to the thread! :D Thanks for your question!

It sounds immediately lke this boy has serious boundary issues. Obsession or Attachment or Clingy-ness..... call it what you want, Stalking is unacceptable. But so is not voicing your needs and personal space. This goes for anyone in your life. You have known this person a long time. That doesn't entitle them to your space or time. They shouldn't assume that. Nor should you assume that in a generation (sadly) dominated by social media we often lack skills to pick up on social cues. Even from people we know our whole lives (basically). This person (for all you know) may even have a disability, undiagnosed, that causes social ineptability to be able to pick up on messages you feel are clear. So for your own wellbeing - and that should ALWAYS be your #1 priority - make your needs nd boundaries clear without worry of hurting his feelings or saving face. Because what matters is you feel comfortable and secure in your social enviroment, at school, in your community, etc. And if you need to create some space, he should respect that, if he is your friend. That is even a phrse you can quote verbatim: "If you are my friend, you should respect my need to create personal boundaries and space". If you need to, rehearse this infront of this in front of the mirror, but be sure to confront this person face to face. Not by email or text or any other form. If it becomes a continual issue, offer a polite and friedly reminder, not necessarily an ultimatum, or a warning, but create terms of your friendship or relationship or dynamic or whatever the nature of your interactions with this person are and even put them in writing if you have to and have you both sign and date. Know what his needs are, and what your needs are. Collaborate on it. Or siimply write the terms yourself and k that you will need to remove him from our life if he continues this stalkerish behaviour because it makes you uncomfortable and unsafe and annoyed, and in the real world, further action, such as police action would be appropriate. Do not tolerate any physical agression or outburtsts from him. Contact authorities immediately in that case, without hesitation. If he does not respond to continuous warnings or the above suggstions thre may be something underlying with your kindergarten friend, psychologically, that is driving his behaviour, abnormally, and he should be advised to seek ssessment, screenng and potentially therapy from a professional. If you knew him in kindergarten, you might know his family and be able to offer that suggestion before cutting ties if you have legitimate concern for his welfare.

Hope that helps!

- - - Post Merge - - -

So happy to hear from you again, Kilo.


Pie, or cake?


My boyfriend is known as "PIEman...."
But.....mmmmmm....... cake.......

Since there are more varieties of Pies I am going with Pie. And I will choose Strawberry-Rhubarb. ;)

- - - Post Merge - - -

There is not just dessert pies either, there are dinner pies too, like meat pies and Shephard's pies...
I'm having troubles falling asleep, I just lay there waiting to eventually sleep for like half an hour, any advice?