Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - Switch Remake

It looks so cute, I can't wait to play it! I love the artstyle, so clean :D
I don't think i've played the original version. So this new one will be a whole new adventure for me. It looks really good. I'm looking forward to it.

its a bad idea of a remake imo, I would not play this game at all. Nintendo is making me become less of a zelda fan cause of BotW and now this game.

Users who don't like my message are probably mad at me
Back off, ty and have a nice day.
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Links awakening is my favorite Zelda game so I?ll be buying this. Still have GCU at Best Buy and a certificate or two, so I should be able to get this for around $20. As long as nothing else comes out that I use the certificates on first.
Interesting art style! I'm definitely getting this!
Rip, I have the DX version of the game. I'm not sure if I should get the game because of its initial price (games cost $80 plus tax on average in Canada).
Giving this a bump back into existence instead of making a new thread. I’ve never played a Zelda game before but this one has me interested. For those that played the original on Gameboy do you think this will be a great game for a new player?
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i've never played a LoZ game before BotW, but i do want to try this game. i never owned a gameboy, so i didn't ever play the original. i really like the way the art style of this game looks, and honestly that's one of the reasons i'm willing to try it lol
Giving this a bump back into existence instead of making a new thread. I’ve never played a Zelda game before but this one has me interested. For those that played the original on Gameboy do you think this will be a great game for a new player?

Good question! I'd say yes because of the improvements they made from the Gameboy version. No longer do you have to constantly swap out your sword for a particular item. While I watched the gameplay from the Nintendo Treehouse, I heard one of the people say that your sword, and shield (and the power bracelets too I think) are already set to a specific button. The story is great, and I bet that the remastered soundtracks sound amazing. Plus, it's a "2d" zelda game so the puzzles shouldn't be too overwhelming when compared to 3d zeldas.
I'm working through Breath of the Wild right now (75 hours in) and I am excited to play this game even though it will be short. HowLongToBeat puts it at a mere 16 hours for completionists. I pre-ordered it and hope to play it on launch day. It's a shame they already made an A Link to the Past sequel game, because A Link to the Past with this specific art style and very few other changes would have been incredible.

I played A Link to the Past, but not Link's Awakening. I've been avoiding most gameplay footage because they seem to assume everyone has played the game already and don't mind various puzzle spoilers.
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Ended up preordering this when the E3 sales were still on so I saved myself $15. I also just preordered the new Link Amiibo today. It’s so gosh darn adorable and since I’m not really a big Zelda fan I don’t have any Amiibo of Link yet.

I’m actually glad that this is a shorter Zelda game. Breath of the Wild looks really amazing but I’m just not looking for a major time sink at this point (I have many other big games on the go/releasing soon). Being new to the Zelda series I’d rather start small at this point.
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