The Multi Millionaire's Club

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sorry my party for Saturday is canceled due to I am working on my town BIG TIME

So sorry guys. I will host it during the end of December
nooky13 said:
sorry my party for Saturday is canceled due to I am working on my town BIG TIME

So sorry guys. I will host it during the end of December
End of December?!!!!

Why not start or middle nooky13?
It takes a month

I have a plan timetable and it starts on Saturday (maybe even later if busy) then takes a month. Maybe even middle.

Just I am trying to grow grass with my friend is getting me gold roses
kk, good luck with the roses, I still have 98% of the grass I started with, I got Gold Roses early, even before I became active on TBT... :)
<big>The MMC Times Issue #2</big>
Publisher nooky13, The JJ, Jasonburrows Volume Number 2 Issue Number 1 date 14/11/09

What is in this weeks paper

1. What is the latest at MMC
2. Special competition
3. Special competition
4 Interview
5. Quiz time
6. Adverts
7. What have the staff been up to
What is the latest at the MMC

Nothing much has really changed from the last newsletter but there has been a few changes, Like there have been a few staff changes, and special events
1. Staff changes
From event cornman64 and malesremit12 left and marlon88 and box-monkey have replaced them.
From youtube/video staff ElectroBlazer left and SuperKKSlider replaced him.
There have been a few staff parties from event workers so hopefully they will get some to you.
If you want to find out what they did at the staff party just go to the section what have the staff been up to
2. There has been a sumo wrestling tournament organised by box-monkey. No dates confirmed but all we know there will be a 500,000 ac bell prize.
The donation of pitfalls is needed.
For more info check the mmc page or pm box-monkey for more info
3. We have almost passed our 2,000 post on the mmc page. Well done MMC
Special Competition.

It might not be just for MMC but there is a special competition happening right now. It is for you to find the funniest video on you tube. It can
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