The Multi Millionaire's Club

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as I work here. I cannot officially register you in the club but if you both tell me what rank you want to be and give jason the tbt I will tell him

Look at the start of the topic for info
I alraedy work but do some every weekend and 3 times a year do a 24 hour 1 where you have to stay awake
nooky13 said:
I alraedy work but do some every weekend and 3 times a year do a 24 hour 1 where you have to stay awake
wow, im an event manager for jason but i dont think staying up all night is a good idea
<big><big><big><big>MMC Official Banner Competition</big></big></big></big>

I, the Founder of MMC require a Banner to place in people's signatures advertising the MMC with a link, as in those pictures that link to a topic, I will happily pay 500 TBT Bells to the person who makes the best one, the deadline is tomorrow evening, so please PM me your best banners and I'll check them all, and I'll PM back the Winner.
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