The Multi Millionaire's Club

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I've had enough.

Look Jason, You are 20 years old. If you are really mature enough you will notice that MMC is a virtual club on the internet, You're taking this so serious like it is a big club in the real world, snap out of it.

Then you want a website? I offered to make the website and then you ask me to buy a domain and a host, I'm ****ing only 14! You barge me with all these features and you tell me to hurry up with the features, I'm not Jesus -.-.

Now when I finally want to quit MMC and carry on with the website you say this, "Don't leave Josh, I miss the old Josh who used to love MMC..", I do like MMC but can't I leave this online club and get on with my real life? IT'S FAKE. Also I agree with you flamers (Jas0n, Travis, Sean ect) you're taking this far too serious. MMC is a good club in a way, The founder just needs to grow up and stop acting like he is 10 years old. I know you have Down sindrom or Autism, But come on!

You don't know anyone on this website in real life so why make such a big deal when people flame you or quit you.
MMC doesn't have much events, only spam on posts.

I've had enough of you Jason since I've joined MMC, Make this, Add this, Do that!

<big><big><big>I QUIT![/big</big></big>

This may also include the website as I am soon going to leave TBT and delete most people from TBT off my friends list. The other people I will keep are for my game.

Don't even dare to force me to stay.
I'm just angry guys, I'm fed up with all of this.
If I can atleast complete the website in peace, Can I atleast have a break from MMC/TBT?
Don't even need to ask, have a break whenever you like, no one is stopping you, everyone has free will, my good friend Josh.
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