~The Multi Millionaire's Club!~


Senior Member
Aug 26, 2007
Yellow Pansy
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
Winter Mittens
<big><big>~Welcome to the Multi Millionaire's Club~</big></big>

I have decided that tazaza will be running the MMC for a while and will be in charge as I am taking a break from the MMC as it's quite a complicated club to manage.
_________________________________________________I've made a few improvements to the MMC.
The improvements are as follows:

1. There are now no ranks, everyone is a member and has equal rights to do things in the club.
2. The MMC will now have a more "clubby" feel to it.
3. There will be no charges for joining
4. All flames will be reported definitely
5. I may still be the Founder, but I will NOT brag about it as I ruined the last MMC.
6. We will accept staff, but I will review them and see what everyone's opinion is.
7. It won't be a general discussion like how the previous MMC failed
8. Staff are as equal as Members are.
_________________________________________________The MMC is a lively and fun group with great members and lots of fun on Animal Crossing.
The members are active and always willing to play Animal Crossing.
1. No talking of hacked items/money.
2. No swearing/insulting other members of both MMC and TBT.
3. Do not speak badly of other groups, they are all very good as well.[/spoiler]
Jas0n said:
Yay for creating yet another MMC thread? What's this, the 10th?
Why do you even post here? If you hate the MMC so much then why bother go into the thread.
tazaza said:
Jas0n said:
Yay for creating yet another MMC thread? What's this, the 10th?
Why do you even post here? If you hate the MMC so much then why bother go into the thread.
Because it's spamming up the forum.
Jas0n said:
Yay for creating yet another MMC thread? What's this, the 10th?
I have to agree with him, But seriously was there a point of making a new topic?

Everyone's in the wrong here.

Jason for making so much topics.
tazaza for not carrying out the thread. If you say you're going to report people who flame immediately before an argument brews, you should do it.
Jas0n for carrying on posting in the topic. If you don't like it and think it's spamming the site, contact a mod/admin or wait for them to sort it out.
I'm back

This is just stupid Mr Burrows.

If you agree with me please say

Also Jason I need to speak to u in private!!!
nooky13 said:
I'm back

This is just stupid Mr Burrows.

If you agree with me please say

Also Jason I need to speak to u in private!!!
If he's stupid what purpose would talking to him serve?
He's closed this due to people "spamming" and "flaming" which I think is stupid of him.
Yeah, He told me on MSN and I encouraged him to keep it and ignore the flamers and spammers, Sadly he didn't listen and logged off.