The new coats & LT discussion


Senior Member
May 23, 2017
Baby Chick Easter Egg
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Crescent Moon Easter Egg
Silent Night Bauble
Daisy Easter Egg
Tricolored Puppy Plush
New Horizons Token
With the release of these 8 new coats, the AC:pC subreddit is blowing up since people are very frustrated and angry. For several reasons:

- The more feminine looking coats are more expensive. The more masculine looking coats are 90LT, whereas the feminine coats go for 120 or 150LTs. There is already a discussion going on in real life over this situation - which is being dubbed the "pink tax": when an item aimed for women costs more than that same item aimed for men (like razor blades). Players are angry that the pink tax is now making it's way into Animal Crossing.

- Either way, the prizes of all coats seem absurdly high. If you were to spend money to buy leaf tickets - you would spend between 5 and 7 dollars for one single coat. If you want to get all coats, that will be 900 leaf tickets in total. That's about 30 dollars.

- Not one single coat is craftable with bells and items. Longer term players complain they have nothing to use their bells and materials on.

The release of these coats sparked a larger discussion on the way LTs are starting to dominate the game. In the last three days, 21 items came out that can only be purchased using leaf tickets. November was the first month ever where more than half of the new content was obtainable only through LTs.

I was wondering what your opinion is in this matter? What do you think about the coat situation? Do you think too many items are LT content only, or do you understand that Nintendo needs to make money too? Do you spend money on this game? Do you think the LT items will have something to do with the new switch game coming out? I'm curious to hear what you have to say!

Personally, I do not spend money on this game. Mostly because I think LT are way overpriced. I do not mind spending money on free, mobile games every now and then to support the producer. But in this case, if I spend about 5 euro's, there's still nothing interesting I can buy with that. Apart from that, I think nintendo is quite generous with the amount of LTs they hand out to us for free - at least compared to other games. As a F2P player, I knew I would never be able to obtain all items. My goal for every event is to at least obtain all the LTs available.
I try to save them up to get something I really want, but I'm sad to miss out on so many cool items. For example, I really wanted two of the coats but I really don't think they're worth it.

The thing that strikes me the most, is that as a new player, there is no way to obtain the items from older events except through stamp trade. I would love to have the christmas tree from last year, and even though I understand that they won't just hand it out to us. I wouldn't mind paying some LTs for it. However, the stamp trade to get old items seems a bit crazy. To obtain one item, I'd need between 1-3 stamp cards. To get a full card, I'd need to spend 500LTs. So if I want something that's worth 3 cards, I'll have to spend 1500LTs - the equivalent of 50 dollars. This seems extremely excessive.
I’ll admit I’m a little peeved that the coats cost 150 leaf tickets. A coat is not something I want to spend that many tickets on especially when it’s seasonal.
I’m not too happy that the cute pink coat I want is 150 leaf tickets. 90, which is what the dress for the anniversary event cost, is much more reasonable. Nintendo seems to know that the target audience of this game is females, considering most of the fortune cookies and events are very feminine in nature. It’s quite sad that this game is becoming so leaf ticket-oriented. My eyes lit up when I saw that frilly, princessy coat and I’m sure lots of other peoples’ did as well. If I was that disappointed about the cost, I can only imagine how a younger player who has no way of buying leaf tickets must feel.
I have no problem spending money on this game, and I?ve already spent quite a bit, but the coats do seem a bit expensive. I might buy the mod parka, I haven?t decided yet.
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Even though I don?t care for the female outerwear, I?m definitely upset for those who really love that style. It?s a bit unfair to us to make it that high; the ?mens? coats should?ve been marked between 60-80 LT and the ?womens? at 70-80 LT. And, honestly, even those prices for one outfit are ridiculous.

I tend to like mens fashion more, so my favorites are definitely the Chesterfield coats (preferably the biege one). So, if I?m able to save enough in time then I?ll buy that one. I?ve been trying to buy more cookies in hopes of getting the one item I want though. *sigh*
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Times like this really make me wish it was possible try on these clothes before you make them. I made the red fur coat for my manager then decided I didn't like it all that much, switched right back to the Toy Day tuxedo, which was then replaced with the evening gown and fascinator (no idea why I'm so picky with clothes suddenly, I went like 4 months without changing anything once)
Yeah, this peeves me. I love that red coat so much but IDK if I'll get enough LTs to make it. Hopefully the events will give you a crap ton. This game is turning into every other mobile game where you have to give them money for everything? What's next, using LTs to unlock new villagers?
One thing I thought about this right away, was I wondered how much the terrains will be, given that two of the coats are 3/4 the price of the most expensive Halloween terrain.

Anyhow, I feel as if this situation repeats a lot in some matter.
Seriously, why couldn't we craft them? They're not some special holiday item, so I don't understand why Nintendo is treating this as some kind of holy grail. I wouldn't have cared if they cost like 500 cotton or something ridiculous to craft. I'm currently using my LTs trying to get Fortune Cookie sets and new terrains. As much as I love that red coat, it's just not worth 150 LTs.
Seriously, why couldn't we craft them? They're not some special holiday item, so I don't understand why Nintendo is treating this as some kind of holy grail. I wouldn't have cared if they cost like 500 cotton or something ridiculous to craft. I'm currently using my LTs trying to get Fortune Cookie sets and new terrains. As much as I love that red coat, it's just not worth 150 LTs.

Agreed. A little coat that you can only wear/maybe decorate in ONE room of your campsite/camper/cabin isn’t worth it. I’d rather spend my LT’s on terrain or special cookies. Heck, I could buy three special cookies for the price of one of those frilly coats. That’s kind of messed up. >_>
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I'm a bit bummed out. I really want that red coat, but I'm saving up my tickets right now. I wish they were possible to get in the flower event or something, but oh well. The coat designs are lovely tho.
Seriously, why couldn't we craft them? They're not some special holiday item, so I don't understand why Nintendo is treating this as some kind of holy grail. I wouldn't have cared if they cost like 500 cotton or something ridiculous to craft. I'm currently using my LTs trying to get Fortune Cookie sets and new terrains. As much as I love that red coat, it's just not worth 150 LTs.

Agreed. And if leaf tickets were absolutely necessary then at least price them at 50 or something. The upcoming white gothic rose cookie looks like something I?ll enjoy a lot, so I?ll just save my leaf tickets for that. Who needs a stupid coat with a bow on it anyway?
I gave them some feedback on the subject, and I’d encourage you guys to do the same.

It significantly annoys me that the male coats look significantly worse than the female coats, much like all male clothing in the past.

Kinda wish Nintendo would pay more attention to the male players of Animal Crossing when it comes to clothes... (and the higher pricing for the female clothes is really uncalled for.)
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I'm so glad this is being talked about. I was just ranting about this to a friend this morning. Though at the time, I didn't even notice the feminine coats cost so much more than the masculine ones, and now I'm angry all over again. As a free-to-play player, it's SO hard to earn leaf tickets as it is. Leaf tickets are too hard to earn. Items that require leaf tickets require too many.
When I was more financially stable, I was more than willing to pay for premium currency in apps that I liked, so long as I felt the prices were fair, and I was getting my money's worth. I've never felt that way in PC, and at the rate things are going, I don't think I ever will. As frustrating as it is to grind for the few leaf tickets I currently get, I'd be even more frustrated having to pay so much for a singular item.
I honestly could care less about the gap between the masculine and feminine coats due to the feminine coats looking significantly better than the masculine ones, but I did complain about LTs suddenly being the main currency.
I'm really upset about how damn greedy Nintendo is, again. For a while it seemed that they were letting up a little and giving leaf tickets more freely. Remember when they used to give you 20 leaf tickets for the scheduled updates? Where's my 60 leaf tickets at Nintendo?

I wanted to craft multiples for my animals to wear since most of the sweaters are meh but this is just under handed and greedy.
I swear while i love the designs, the prices are uncalled for...