The new coats & LT discussion

The problem with the game is not that items cost leaf tickets. It's how little leaf tickets you get for your real life money.

I honestly think most players would have no problems pouring maybe 5 bucks a week into this game if it was 1 cent = 1 leaf ticket.

I honestly think the current model of cookies and other items would not be a problem if the leaf tickets were cheaper. This is not something that can be fixed now however. And all I hope is that this stupid game and it's practices are kept far, far way from the mainline franchise.

Great point made. I just re-checked the LT pricing: 30 LTs for $0.99 and 20 LTs for $0.99 at the regular price. Seriously? Only 20/30 Leaf Tickets for almost an entire dollar is too disproportionate in currency. I don’t mind spending money on Pocket Camp and helping the developers at all, I just want a fairer distribution somehow. :T

I agree with your last statement for sure. The Switch AC will most likely be $60 since that’s about the set-price for Nintendo’s Switch games. Also, I think quite a few people will be saving up for a Switch solely for Animal Crossing (maybe not a lot, but I know that my brother plans to get it). I hope they don’t apply the Leaf Ticket system in the Switch game. I’d much prefer something similar to the Amiibo cards where you could get an entire “special” collection of items from an RV card perhaps; but maybe they’d apply it in a digital format to make it easier.

I don’t know... it’s all pretty messy and could improve for the better. :u

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Another thing that made me accept this "issue" more is that Pocket Camp doesn't spam us with ads like a lot of free-to-play games do. One reason may be that Nintendo is making it and not some third-party, obscure game developers, but if I have to fork over a few bucks to buy a coat, so be it. At least I'm not being told to play Game of War every three seconds.

Haha, very true xD. I do like that it feels more like an actual game than an app. Nintendo has been doing really well with their designs and I enjoy a lot of the game—but hopefully some of the inconveniences or other issues will be taken into consideration.
I also felt like making another point. I see an awful lot of people saying things like : don't you want the developers to be able to eat?

Yes, I do, of course. However the individual is not paid based on how much a given item sells. They're paid for their labor, and then the item is sold. If an artist creates assets for a video game, for the most part their pay doesn't increase or decrease much based on how much the game sells. They're paid for their labor, and then the thing sells. The profit is not going into the hands of the creators, it's going up the chain of command. No one is going to be NOT PAID if the game doesn't make money, however people will be laid off and the amount of assets created reduced, we're already seeing this with pocket camp. The game is clearly underperforming so they're scaling back the operation (think of how lackluster recent events have been, the repaints appearing in the cookies, etc).

And if the game does fail, and ceases production.... no one is going to go homeless. They're going to most likely be shuffled back into the deck and put into another job.

If animal crossing pocket camp is a failed project, and ceases production, it's because that exactly what should happen. People need to stop acting like the developers are babies getting paid in beans which are their only means of sustenance. Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is a bad game. We don't need to reward big faceless corporations for feeding us **** and robbing us blind in the process.
I also felt like making another point. I see an awful lot of people saying things like : don't you want the developers to be able to eat?

Yes, I do, of course. However the individual is not paid based on how much a given item sells. They're paid for their labor, and then the item is sold. If an artist creates assets for a video game, for the most part their pay doesn't increase or decrease much based on how much the game sells. They're paid for their labor, and then the thing sells. The profit is not going into the hands of the creators, it's going up the chain of command. No one is going to be NOT PAID if the game doesn't make money, however people will be laid off and the amount of assets created reduced, we're already seeing this with pocket camp. The game is clearly underperforming so they're scaling back the operation (think of how lackluster recent events have been, the repaints appearing in the cookies, etc).

And if the game does fail, and ceases production.... no one is going to go homeless. They're going to most likely be shuffled back into the deck and put into another job.

If animal crossing pocket camp is a failed project, and ceases production, it's because that exactly what should happen. People need to stop acting like the developers are babies getting paid in beans which are their only means of sustenance. Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is a bad game. We don't need to reward big faceless corporations for feeding us **** and robbing us blind in the process.

Thank you for stating this, especially with the last point. Some people keep mentioning things won’t change or that it’s just how free apps work, but it really is not. Corporations can flourish or go bankrupt off of the amount of their consumer purchases; you don’t have to say something won’t or can’t change because it’ll just keep happening. It’s a thought, but not a constructive one.

If prices are unfair or business is disingenuous, that company or company’s product will most likely crumble to the point of cancellation. We as the consumers are not stupid or blind—we, in a sense, are helping to fuel that company’s income and business. There are of course donations and sponsors, but we’re a crucial part in that system. We have a voice and I’m sure—to an extent—that it’s important to Nintendo. No corporation WANTS a product to fail, so by taking feedback and tweaking/revamping their product then it allows for more growth and possibly higher revenue.

Anyways, that’s just my add-on to what you had to say! I hope more people will be willing to send feedback to Nintendo or be more vocal on the company’s social media(s) in the future. If it fails, then like you said, that’s probably for the better.
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The coats are expensive, absolutely, but they?ve been giving out LT?s left and right with the past few events. That, on top of the special promotions where you could get around 600-some leaf tickets for $8, and around 30 or so for $0.99, makes it a bit more affordable. I know I sprang on the 600-some LT?s for $8. I view it as this: I have no problems spending money to purchase a game that would be anywhere from $20-60 for a console/PC, so why can I not spend a few dollars here and there on an app game that I?m enjoying?

I will say, though, it?s a bit troubling that they didn?t have a single coat to be crafted with bells and materials. It would have been nice to have had at least one option for those who can?t purchase LT?s.
The coats are expensive, absolutely, but they’ve been giving out LT’s left and right with the past few events. That, on top of the special promotions where you could get around 600-some leaf tickets for $8, and around 30 or so for $0.99, makes it a bit more affordable. I know I sprang on the 600-some LT’s for $8. I view it as this: I have no problems spending money to purchase a game that would be anywhere from $20-60 for a console/PC, so why can I not spend a few dollars here and there on an app game that I’m enjoying?

I will say, though, it’s a bit troubling that they didn’t have a single coat to be crafted with bells and materials. It would have been nice to have had at least one option for those who can’t purchase LT’s.

Totally get that! I bought that 600 LT package as well; it was actually a pretty fair price, haha. I’m glad they’re giving out more LTs for Christmas and even giving us random special cookies as well! It’s fun and shows a more giving side than what we saw with the Coat Collection.

I think it’s more that it’s VERY easy to spend more than $20-$60 on Pocket Camp because the special items (which conveniently tend to be very cute or more detailed) are pretty difficult to obtain without spending LTs. I was able to get Goldie’s Library-on-Wheels from a free special cookie (literally was SO HAPPY), so you do have those lucky moments.

However—and I hate to admit this—I’ve definitely spent more than a Switch game price on LTs so far, so I really like Warrior’s idea with the pricing system for Leaf Tickets. Even if it never happens, I’m glad everyone has been finding some common ground and we can discuss it together.

( Yes, I agree 100% on your last paragraph. Lots of people feel that way too. :[ )
I feel a bit ashamed of myself because I bought that sweet pink coat as soon as I found out the white gothic rose cookie sucked. However it is just as cute as I imagined and I love it so... *shrug*