The New Horizons ‘Hourly Music’ is TERRIBLE, can it be disabled?

Agreed. The only music I've liked in NH so far is the Nook's Cranny end of day song; if I could have that as my hourly music, I'd be happy.

I've thought about muting the sound and playing my own music, but then I'd miss out on so many balloons.
I haven't unlocked it yet but I've heard so many different opinions that it'll be interesting playing tomorrow. At this point though I'm so sick of the tutorial music that I'm pretty sure I'll take anything.
Yah, I don't like most of the music as well. It would be nice to be able to disable it, or change it in some way. Oh well c':
i like some of the hourly songs okay but none of them stand out to me and i don't love them tbh... i really wish there was a volume slider to just turn off the music while keeping other ambient noises, i wanna play new leaf music on youtube instead while i play NH lol but i don't wanna mute everything else, though sadly i'll have to. also, maybe this is just me but a lot of them kinda just... sound the same and i find it boring and even distracting after a little while :(
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I’ll just throw this in there, not sure if anyone else has mentioned it, but the music of Nook’s Cranny’s last ten minutes of the night is gorgeous.
It's not my favorite either. Some songs are great but others are actually bordering on being annoying/distracting
I was so hoping there would be a way to turn the music off. Turning the volume completely off doesn't work because there are sounds you really need to hear. Fish bites, bugs, balloons and so on. I can't handle repetitiveness of the music. I hope there is a way to let Nintendo know. Having a way to control volume of the music should be on all game. The people that like the music can leave it on and others can turn it down or off.
I definitely wouldn’t call it terrible it’s just different. People don’t tend to like change, but you just have to keep an open mind. I like it so far I think.
I disliked some of the tunes at first, but they've grown on me. Most of them pretty good.
Feels like this is bait lol, you could have just asked the simple question. I think it's nice c:
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Oh, I don't think you can disable it (other than just turn the music off from your switch). Personally, I'm loving the OST and the hourly music in its entirety (the only track I don't like much is 8 am, other than that, I'm loving it). I personally prefer it over NL because NH is more 'jazzy', imo, and I really dig that. I got tired of NL music pretty quick, tbh. I will always prefer and adore the original music from GCN and WW, I think there's no beating that (CF mostly mimicked WW's tracks, so...), but it's certainly a 3rd place for me in the AC series :)
It's so weird people getting their panties in a twist over music! It doesn't matter what game I'm playing, 90% of the time I'll just put on headphones and listen to my own music.
most of the music isnt great, definitely doesnt have that ac feel but its plain enough to be listenable, i dont see why people are getting so upset over this
I haven’t unlocked the hourly music yet, but from what I’ve heard, it fits the island theme of the game
Really hope what I'm about to say doesn't come off as gate-keeping. Its not intended that way.

OP did you ever play the original AC for gamecube/N64? New Horizons as a whole seems to be a long lost love letter to that game, right down to the return of the rude personalities. Even a snippet of NH's main theme is lifted from the main GC/N64 theme. A lot of the N64/GC hour songs weren't afraid of making good use of string, percussion, rhythm and beats, just like NH isn't. That changed with WW, the game I suspect you started with (please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). My humble opinion is that most who started with or played the original GC game won't say the music is bad.

As for your complaint about all the hour songs coming from the main theme...this has literally always been the case in every single AC game. Every game's hour songs are variations of that game's main theme. I admit its more noticeable in NH. If you have time, listen to New Leaf's main theme, then pick a few hour tracks and listen to them carefully. You'll be able to pinpoint which parts of the main theme make up the hour song, I know I was able to.

NHs music isn't everyone's cup of tea and that's fine. But to say it doesn't fit the theme of AC is not accurate. If anything, NH's music a return to form, not a deviation from it.
Some of it is irritating (a lot of the more upbeat daytime themes in particular. Some are fine or even good like 12pm and 5pm). However, the downbeat, relaxing themes are pretty good and very Animal Crossing like.
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