Looks kinda neat, honestly. I never bothered with the game and will continue to ignore it, but at the very least I'll get some enjoyment out of seeing 'realistic' versions of the Pokemon in the movie. It also seems a bit less cynical knowing that a guy who did fan art of 'realistic Pokemon' some years ago was picked up to do the redesigns, so if anything at least one person working on the movie had some passion for it.
Oddly seems like a bit of a risk too. Live action remakes/adaptations are basically the typical Hollywood way of adapting basically anything these days, but given the source material and fan base this seems really out of left field to do so
(well...More so than usual), especially since the designs aren't that drastic, they're pretty believable/true to the source material. Not to mention the storyline isn't going to be anything I would have expected from a Pokemon movie,yet it
seems pretty in spirit with the franchise rather than the typical "dark gritty reboot" where they for some reason have weapons and everybody is perpetually angry/sad.
At the very least, I hate the anime series/movies. It can't be worse than those.
How I view any live action adaptation, it is unnecessary unless it adds something worth watching compared to the original content.
I'm hoping it leans more into "what if Pokemon were real in our world" kinda idea rather than the game/anime "Pokemon have always been a thing to the point our entire world would cease to function properly without them". I gathered in the movie it's still in a world where Pokemon have always existed, but it could still play that down to some degree, have some more 'believable' situations in the movie.
And just doing something with the universe that you just wouldn't really get in the games "because gameplay". I haven't played Detective Pikachu so I don't/won't know how much of that outside of the name is carried into this.
If anything, the protagonist guy looks to be in his 20's. That's a refreshing change to pretty much every other protagonist being a prepubescent child.
It’s honestly not out of the blue at all. This movie has been announced for a loonnggg time now lol
I heard of it a while ago, but part of me thought it was a joke, the rest of me just forgot until the trailer appeared making me all "oh yea, that exists...Wait, that actually exists?"