The (New) Majora League

Ive made a website for AC and made a TML sub-forum. if you want to use that you may. Just tell me.
i won't be able to go to the event anyway cause i am gonna be at my dads 4 awhile and well... no wireless connection there.
daveyp1997 said:
can i join the group im not in one

now do you get it
yes u are.
your in the epona group and uve been there for a while now.
I had an idea for new ranks:

Newcomer- means you have just recently joined
respected member - means you have been in the group for a while and you support the group often.
We are going to have a event/meeting today possibly, or tomorrow possibly, whenever is best for you.

It will have to end at 5:30 PM central if we have it today because I have to go to my first blacksmithing meeting at 6:00.