? The Next Update

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I definitely feel we’ll get an announcement on the Pave update exact date this week, since they’ve confirmed the update would arrive late January. In pretty much every update so far, they’ve thrown in a few extra goodies, so I think we’ll see the same deal with this upcoming update.

Then in March, there’s the Super Mario update. They’ve also been very vocal about supporting ACNH likely for years to come, so I would definitely put my money on there being even more updates to come this year.
Does anyone know for sure that we are getting an update in March? I want to get excited about it, but what if it doesn't happen. 😟
I can see why you'd be skeptical about it and I don't blame you. We haven't had a word from Nintendo regarding updates and especially when those would be coming, but every evidence seems to point towards March being the next update that we will see coming. Plus, it would be only logical that they decide to drop the 2.0 version of the game then to keep the game going, especially when so many people will be talking about the game on its anniversary (thus meaning more publicity for this update)

As MiniPocketWorld said, we have the Mario anniversary collaboration coming in March 2021, which happens to align with NH's anniversary. Apart from that and the way they have been handing out updates (every two months), Doug Bowser stated in an interview with Polygon that he can definitely see this second year receiving updates just like the first year (source) So everything of course isn't set in stone, but given everything that's been said, it seems to be the case!
yes March 2021
animal crossing and mario shown side by side when talking about mario anniversary products.
announcement said super mario themed furniture in animal crossing new horizons march 2021
So that's what people have been mixing up with an update to commemorate one year of ACNH. I've seen people talk about us getting an update in March to mark ACNH's 1st anniversary, but they're mixing that up with the Mario 35th Anniversary event that, among other things, will bring a few Mario-themed items to ACNH (but it's not an event exclusive to ACNH, with the re-release of 3D World, expansion of the Lego Mario line of toys, end of Super Mario Bros 35's lifecycle...).
Whatever ends up coming, there HAS to be an update eventually, if not in march, in april or may, to continue the same rhythm of updates they've been serving us. Whatever the contents of any updates beyond the Pavé thing and the Mario stuff we just can't know until they're announced, let's see what they got
So that's what people have been mixing up with an update to commemorate one year of ACNH. I've seen people talk about us getting an update in March to mark ACNH's 1st anniversary, but they're mixing that up with the Mario 35th Anniversary event that, among other things, will bring a few Mario-themed items to ACNH (but it's not an event exclusive to ACNH, with the re-release of 3D World, expansion of the Lego Mario line of toys, end of Super Mario Bros 35's lifecycle...).

Exactly, I don't really see how to justify the jump from Mario themed items to "Big anniversary update with lots of items and brewster and gyroids and extra patterns and..." We can hope for stuff, of course. But I see people hyping each other up to dangerous levels, and the potential for disappointment is huge.
Exactly, I don't really see how to justify the jump from Mario themed items to "Big anniversary update with lots of items and brewster and gyroids and extra patterns and..." We can hope for stuff, of course. But I see people hyping each other up to dangerous levels, and the potential for disappointment is huge.

I wonder if the Mario items are going to be temporary items we purchase at the Nook Stop.

I'm getting more excited every day now as we move closer to the end of January. My guess is the next update will drop on that last Friday of January in Japan (January 29), though I won't mind getting it this week. Any day now we should see the trailer.
Do you think this is like a smaller update or are we getting some additional features? I keep my expectations low as I think the big update will happen when the game has its first birthday, but I'd love to see something like shop upgrades / additional shops.
I wonder if the Mario items are going to be temporary items we purchase at the Nook Stop.

I'm getting more excited every day now as we move closer to the end of January. My guess is the next update will drop on that last Friday of January in Japan (January 29), though I won't mind getting it this week. Any day now we should see the trailer.

Not sure how they would do it. It could be "seasonal" and available for purchase for a little while, or maybe just delivered right to our mailbox like some other update items have been, or even acquired through some entirely new mechanic. I do kinda hope they're not temporary in case some of them are actually nice or useful.

I'm definitely getting excited knowing that a trailer/update is getting closer again! I have no idea how they do their video scheduling, though. It seems to be a surprise every time.
I don't know why anyone would expect big things out of this January update. What this update aims to do after all is to fill the missing gap that they couldn't last year since this game came out in March. They only got Festivale missing, so it's going to be focusing on that. I wouldn't have high expectations because of that. Besides, the updates have been quite small so far in a very drip-feeding manner.

I disagree with this. Not all updates have been small. Looking back, we had an update that gave us Leif and Redd and an art gallery. We had an update that gave us diving and sea creatures, giving us more tasks to do as well with hours of new game play. I'd say those were pretty big updates. Sure the update will focus on Festivale, but it doesn't have to only focus on that. Plenty of updates had an event plus other interesting things added too, so I really don't see why people wouldn't expect more.
Maybe as a nook mile item? When i think of super mario themed furinture i think of more than one item. So i dont think it will be a random in your mail item like ring fit was.
That would be the best way to introduce these items. By not making them a limited-time thing, it doesn't punish people who still haven't gotten the game (we're in the middle of a pandemic and a global economic crisis, videogames aren't a necessity or a priority for people right now, and they're also expensive).
That would be the best way to introduce these items. By not making them a limited-time thing, it doesn't punish people who still haven't gotten the game (we're in the middle of a pandemic and a global economic crisis, videogames aren't a necessity or a priority for people right now, and they're also expensive).
Plus i could see trying to encourage trading. I just dont know if they would do color varients of mario furniture.
I disagree with this. Not all updates have been small. Looking back, we had an update that gave us Leif and Redd and an art gallery. We had an update that gave us diving and sea creatures, giving us more tasks to do as well with hours of new game play. I'd say those were pretty big updates. Sure the update will focus on Festivale, but it doesn't have to only focus on that. Plenty of updates had an event plus other interesting things added too, so I really don't see why people wouldn't expect more.
That's totally respectable. However, the events have put events with just a few pieces of furniture related to them on the table and not gameplay mechanics or important quality of life changes or the expected nook expansions (Farming was the only new gameplay aspect throughout a whole year and it is quite underdeveloped right now). But again, this is merely my opinion and what might satisfy me might not satisfy you and vice versa, if you're happy with it then that's what counts! Given the fact that there are many updates to be delivered, I like to think that Nintendo will cater to all of our tastes!
I can see why you'd be skeptical about it and I don't blame you. We haven't had a word from Nintendo regarding updates and especially when those would be coming, but every evidence seems to point towards March being the next update that we will see coming. Plus, it would be only logical that they decide to drop the 2.0 version of the game then to keep the game going, especially when so many people will be talking about the game on its anniversary (thus meaning more publicity for this update)

As MiniPocketWorld said, we have the Mario anniversary collaboration coming in March 2021, which happens to align with NH's anniversary. Apart from that and the way they have been handing out updates (every two months), Doug Bowser stated in an interview with Polygon that he can definitely see this second year receiving updates just like the first year (source) So everything of course isn't set in stone, but given everything that's been said, it seems to be the case!

Do we know if the game will receive support beyond 2021? You said, there will definitely be updates in 2020, which is great. But has Nintendo said anything about 2022 or whether there will be more major updates? As of now, it's been mostly new festivals. I'd love to see some more updates like the Summer ones that introduced new features.
If theres a private video on the AC utube playlist in abt 30 mins then yes. If not , sadly no

Where can we see that? I just took a look at the Animal Crossing playlist of the Nintendo-channel and didn't see anything. But I don't know if I missed something.
Where can we see that? I just took a look at the Animal Crossing playlist of the Nintendo-channel and didn't see anything. But I don't know if I missed something.
Its in that playlist yes. U see a private vid in the playlist if they are releasing the trailer that day. Rn theres nothing so the trailers for sure not comin today based on the previous releases.
I disagree with this. Not all updates have been small. Looking back, we had an update that gave us Leif and Redd and an art gallery. We had an update that gave us diving and sea creatures, giving us more tasks to do as well with hours of new game play. I'd say those were pretty big updates. Sure the update will focus on Festivale, but it doesn't have to only focus on that. Plenty of updates had an event plus other interesting things added too, so I really don't see why people wouldn't expect more.

Interesting idea... Neither Leif, Redd and art gallery nor diving was something new in AC, as we had this in New Leaf already. ACNH has been released WITHOUT those features or those has been implemented later.
It may be considered as something new, something extra just for new players not familiar with previous iterations. Only noticeable improvements I noticed is Redd boat, as we can closer look at art pieces being sold by him, this is step forward.
Leif has been existing before, in NL had own store. Diving and sea creatures - it's repetition from NL, and this repetition was simplified. as example jellyfish is not longer in the game whilst diving. Pascal existed before, in almost same form and had similar behaviour, just now we getting new gifts from him. Art gallery, again same thing "added" as extra feature.

That's totally respectable. However, the events have put events with just a few pieces of furniture related to them on the table and not gameplay mechanics or important quality of life changes or the expected nook expansions (Farming was the only new gameplay aspect throughout a whole year and it is quite underdeveloped right now). But again, this is merely my opinion and what might satisfy me might not satisfy you and vice versa, if you're happy with it then that's what counts! Given the fact that there are many updates to be delivered, I like to think that Nintendo will cater to all of our tastes!

I agree, farming... but wait... I'm not so sure if it could be called "farming", we just received pumpkins with colour variations and they were kept, despite the season change. No other crops, no other mechanics involved. It looks like it barely scratches the surface of farming. Interesting feature, but completely unfinished and looks forgotten.
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