~The Novelty Pokedex Completers~

Bacon Boy said:
Well I take offense to that because splicing is not easy. You have to e creative because you have to take the time to see what fits and what doesn't. You don't just mash tem together. You also have to recoloe and most of the time edit. I could say the same thing about some of your novelties then as well for a lack if creativity.
Thinking about it is easy, though. All you have to do is pick two or more Pokemon. Novelties, however, need a strong and creative mind to think about what you're going to make.
[Nook said:
,May 21 2010, 10:04:02 AM]
Bacon Boy said:
Well I take offense to that because splicing is not easy. You have to e creative because you have to take the time to see what fits and what doesn't. You don't just mash tem together. You also have to recoloe and most of the time edit. I could say the same thing about some of your novelties then as well for a lack if creativity.
Thinking about it is easy, though. All you have to do is pick two or more Pokemon. Novelties, however, need a strong and creative mind to think about what you're going to make.
They're both extremely creative, and you have to put thought into it. Some pok
Splicing is the easiest thing to do,

unless your special and it takes you an hour to crop one thing to another =3
Jasonnman said:
Splicing is the easiest thing to do,

unless your special and it takes you an hour to crop one thing to another =3
I think making novelties is the easiest thing to do because you only have to recolor/slightly edit one pok
Bacon Boy said:
Jasonnman said:
Splicing is the easiest thing to do,

unless your special and it takes you an hour to crop one thing to another =3
I think making novelties is the easiest thing to do because you only have to recolor/slightly edit one pok
Jasonnman said:
Bacon Boy said:
Jasonnman said:
Bacon Boy said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
think about it,

You have to make certain things yourself in a novelty. for example making hair,weapons or even body parts = Hard

in a splice you just crop and drag to your desired place = Easy,so easy that a psychopath can do it with a blind fold on

And on top of that your spriting is terrible, the eyes on that thing are placed straight, it looks like you just took them and threw them on the splice
If you look at it, they're not straight. Just like you have to look hard to see the crack on the Exeggutor, you also have to look at the eyes. And if my spiriting is terrible, I'll just remove them from the group them. You left out the re-coloring as well. And some of the novelties I see here are either unoriginal in the sense that they look like they're just copied from GPX+ or the spriting is bad (with the coloring and whatnot).
my Brucelee sprite isnt,

i came up with that one after a martial arts class,and all of these are probably original if you ask there creators.
So the slime grimer/muk were completely original. no one has ever done anything like that before. And the fossil idea was completely original?
Well, nice to know you guys did it first.

Also, sprites aren't supposed to be the best resolution possible. They're pixelated, they're not going to be perfect.
SSgt. Garrett said:
I'm really sorry but, Swineo is just terrible it shouldn't be up there. "/
Amen, to be honest nook,you should really take the terrible ones off,and give the better spriters the opportunity to customize that pokemon.
Jasonnman said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
I'm really sorry but, Swineo is just terrible it shouldn't be up there. "/
Amen, to be honest nook,you should really take the terrible ones off,and give the better spriters the opportunity to customize that pokemon.
just remove all of mine por favor. I'm tired of getting *censored.2.0* for them. So do it, and remove my contest entry. If I'm so bad, just remove them all. I'm serious.
Jasonnman said:
SSgt. Garrett said:
I'm really sorry but, Swineo is just terrible it shouldn't be up there. "/
Amen, to be honest nook,you should really take the terrible ones off,and give the better spriters the opportunity to customize that pokemon.
We think alike :)

Also jsut to clarify something;
Commander Wymsy said:
Some Novelty Pok
Not my fault they're still up, is it now? Also, the eggs would have to go. The ones of my terrible edits.
I know it sucks, but apparently, most of my others do too. (the pig thing was actually a joke. Like bacon boy)
Novelty Submission Form
Name of Novelty: Feraliflamer. (can change)
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour/Edit
Pokedex entry:

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