I'm too lazy to do it 1 by 1 so they're all in 1 big group. And also I'm too lazy to fill the actual form out since I basicly typed it up in their descriptions.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Novelty Submissions</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
1, 2 & 3. Don't have names, Just recolored Bun's for stuff, don't know which is better that's why the Bun's have 2 different shades.
4 & 5. No name, something like Magma/Lava grimer, but it doesn't sond right...
6. Dunno what the hell it is and what to call it.
7. Uggh. It's ugly it's color don't tone in, so anyone can feel free to steal it and recolor it so it looks real.
8. Something like Ice Torkoal, it just iceness (Yes, I went through a mamga and ice phase).
9 & 10. They don't really fit in.</div>