~The Novelty Pokedex Completers~

PMC66 said:
I got a silver Tentacool once on the original Silver if that counts
That's not a novelty. That's....a shiny. Congratulations but this thread isn't for shinies, it's for novelties.
Jasonnman said:
[Nook said:
,May 1 2010, 12:10:16 PM]
Jasonnman said:
like what theme nook?
A good theme.
nooo,i mean what do you mean "theme" i dont get this stuff
Just make a Novelty that's not just a recolour but also an edit. Look at the request list and you might want to make one of them.
Also Fillfall, please save your images as PNG, not JPG. JPG is usually for photos.
Rockman! said:
Forget what I said before ...

I'd be honored to join.
Please use the form!

Have I ever sprited:
Do you go on GTS+/GPX+?:
Comments (optional):
Lol *throws party*

But i'm curious as to why this is the TBT Market Place?
Rockman! said:
[Nook said:
,May 1 2010, 06:05:49 PM]Please use the form!
lol you would do that

Username: Rockman
Have I ever sprited: YUS
Do you go on GTS+/GPX+?: Yus
I made you an executive member too. NOW GO SUBMIT. Remember, no splices or just recolours.
[Nook said:
,May 1 2010, 06:07:09 PM]
Jake. said:
Lol *throws party*

But i'm curious as to why this is the TBT Market Place?
Err....I don't know. I'll go ask a mod to move it.
Double lol.
So Rocky, are you going to submit them or do I have to submit them myself?
[Nook said:
,May 1 2010, 06:24:45 PM]So Rocky, are you going to submit them or do I have to submit them myself?
D.I.Y lol
Jake. said:
[Nook said:
,May 1 2010, 06:24:45 PM]So Rocky, are you going to submit them or do I have to submit them myself?
D.I.Y lol

And 11 Pokemon from this thread can be submitted. They are: The Killer Mareep line, the Infected Dratini line, Cocoa Buneary, the Compost Grimer line, the Distorted Giratina, the Zombidoof, and the Melting Piplup.