~The Novelty Pokedex Completers~

If this is the type of stuff you accept...I'll join.

Name of Novelty: Shakespeare Floatzel
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Edit
Pokedex entry: Floatzel
Comments (optional): This particular sub-species of Floatzel love plays more specifically tragedies. It uses the skull of a dead Cubone. "To be or not to be, that is the question."

Name of Novelty: Starrock (can change)
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolor
Pokedex entry: Solrock


Username: I forgot.
Have I ever sprited: Somewhat
Do you go on GTS+/GPX+?: No.
Comments (optional): This is very cool : D
That is basically a splice but not a hybrid.

I like it.

Also, added Eggdex!
SSgt. Garrett said:
So it's not good?

My user name has two Ss'
I like it, but it's not novelty. It's just a Floatzel holding a Cubone skull. Anyone could hold a Cubone skull and say "To be or not to be, that is the question.", right? Look at the Noveldex and look at how they edit the sprites.
[Nook said:
,May 2 2010, 08:09:10 PM]
SSgt. Garrett said:
So it's not good?

My user name has two Ss'
I like it, but it's not novelty. It's just a Floatzel holding a Cubone skull. Anyone could hold a Cubone skull and say "To be or not to be, that is the question.", right? Look at the Noveldex and look at how they edit the sprites.
Yeah I know it's not hard to do but not everyone thinks of doing it! ; D

Okay I'll try other stuff.
SSgt. Garrett said:
[Nook said:
,May 2 2010, 08:09:10 PM]
SSgt. Garrett said:
So it's not good?

My user name has two Ss'
I like it, but it's not novelty. It's just a Floatzel holding a Cubone skull. Anyone could hold a Cubone skull and say "To be or not to be, that is the question.", right? Look at the Noveldex and look at how they edit the sprites.
Yeah I know it's not hard to do but not everyone thinks of doing it! ; D

Okay I'll try other stuff.
Try editing a sprite so it looks different.
Rockman! said:
[Nook said:
,May 2 2010, 11:52:05 PM]http://forums.gtsplus.net/index.php?showtopic=22053&st=0

Sorry for double post, but Rockman, which ones from the first post of that thread are yours?
Killer Mareep through Training Scizor + Officer Shinx + Red Chain Dialga.
Training Scizor is a splice of Crobat, so I cannot allow that. Officer Shinx is just a Shinx in a hat, Red Chain Dialga is a splice of Arceus. Cocoa Buneary however, is allowed. Do you have any other novelty ideas?