The Official Feedback Thread

I can understand the use of the hug react in a thread like What's Bothering You, but what really confuses me about the hug react is when people use it for no apparent reason. I have gotten hug reacted multiple times when I was just making a joke (with no hint of sadness or anything), or making a basic complaint about ACNH (or something along those lines). I get that it's not a real hug but like.. why are you hug reacting when I am clearly not upset, I don't understand what you mean by this. Is this person making fun of me somehow? Idk, it just really throws me off.

If it were possible, it would be nice if we could toggle off hug reacts!

(Sorry if I ever reacted when there was no need. I miss jokes a lot of times since I’m on the spectrum, even when it obvious).

That is kinda related to my concern; some reacts I feel like are or can be used as something else and not for how they are supposed to be used.

Personally I’m fine with hug reacts if the post is appropriate for one. I view it as a sign of support. I don’t associate it with actual touching; I have ocd but hug reacts don’t bother me.

I get why it may bother others. It would help if people added no reacts or hugs to their posts if it makes them uncomfortable since people including myself don’t know and I might forget honestly since the posts here will eventually get buried.
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Flower comes across as the same as bouquet for me and I like the hug and would be sad to see it go. Honestly though I feel like I would try and then ultimately I’m just not going to remember who’s touch-averse unless I know them. Sorry. If people want a toggle that’s probably the best option.

Since we’re on about things like reacts, if this is possible, I’m going to suggest for the fourth or fifth time that I would absolutely love to have a toggle to theme the site for southern hemisphere seasons. Said this in the last thread, but I’d even give up event-specific banners for it. Also, I’m just going to second wanting a better UI for collectable inventory.

This is a stretch but is there any chance of something like unix timestamps that would automatically convert dates. I didn’t even do events that often but when I did I remember once or twice I mixed up the dates. Every time I have to do it it’s like… everywhere it’s been on a dozen servers and sites and what not and it never stops being annoying, being in Australia means I always have to do it because that timestamp is never provided.
Flower comes across as the same as bouquet for me and I like the hug and would be sad to see it go. Honestly though I feel like I would try and then ultimately I’m just not going to remember who’s touch-averse unless I know them. Sorry. If people want a toggle that’s probably the best option.

Since we’re on about things like reacts, if this is possible, I’m going to suggest for the fourth or fifth time that I would absolutely love to have a toggle to theme the site for southern hemisphere seasons. Said this in the last thread, but I’d even give up event-specific banners for it. Also, I’m just going to second wanting a better UI for collectable inventory.

This is a stretch but is there any chance of something like unix timestamps that would automatically convert dates. I didn’t even do events that often but when I did I remember once or twice I mixed up the dates. Every time I have to do it it’s like… everywhere it’s been on a dozen servers and sites and what not and it never stops being annoying, being in Australia means I always have to do it because that timestamp is never provided.

I really like that idea; I’d love something to automatically convert dates too. I have dyscalculia and I struggle tremendously with time conversion.
I'm not really sure what you mean by toggling off the reacts though. Were you thinking about an option that lets users prevent others from "hugging" their posts? Would the toggle option be available in individual posts, or in the account settings where you can toggle for all posts made by you? Or both?
If a hug react toggle is possible, I think it would be ideal if it were in the account settings/preferences. The hug react just wouldn't appear for all your posts across the forums (if you toggled it off). Of course I am not a programmer or anything, not assuming it is possible, that is just how I imagine it would work in an ideal world :)
The warnings on my profile bother me and I wish I could close them or turn them off.

If they expired months or years ago and I acknowledged them, why do I still have to see them? I know they aren't visible to others but this is still something that's etched into my profile each time I click it.

It almost makes my account feel tainted with a constant forced reminder of past mistakes that I've already tried my best to learn from. It feels like I'm still being punished.
Gonna just quote my post from another unofficial thread about features we'd like to see

more accessibility features - alt text, toggling text styling (in other words, if someone posts in bright green font you can opt to see it normally), blacklists and whitelists, and dark mode are some i can think of off the top of my head
I wouldn't want a bouquet of flowers, but a single flower works for me. But maybe the kind of flower would matter... and maybe that would be too complex. I was thinking a long the idea of a daisy or sunflower which isn't anything romantic, but they are a flower that is associated with the sun. Or even the plum flower collectible because it is a red spring flower of perseverance and a flower we are use to on the forum.
A candle could be a option for hope in dark times, but I don't think it could compete with hug that is already established and used.
An alternative idea to a flower is maybe a plush emoji? Or a pair of plushies together for not alone? Maybe under normal circumstances a plush may feel off but we have a ton of plush collectibles that are popular in the forum, so maybe one could be a mascot for support/sympathy?
Just ideas. I don't mind if the hugging stays or anything, I just know most of the time I'd probably use an alternative if it was available and if people don't perceive its use by me as icy.
Ehhh, not a fan of changing the Hug react to a flower, or removing it. A hug is a universal symbol for support, and not using it feels as weird as if you didn't use a heart for the 'Love' react. A flower is too similar to 'Sympathy' reacts I see in other places, and I don't want to feel like people are pitying me lol.

Totally think the text should change from 'Hug' to 'Support', though, because that's what's being conveyed, not a literal hug.
Also imagine a bouquet reaction / flowers could easily be seen as weird by others, like honestly personally I’d feel weirder getting flowers, I’m not trying to say the feeling is invalid or anything but I like the hug personally.
I meant to reply to this earlier but I was drowsy/sleeping

That's understandable I guess but when I said flower I was picturing a cute animal crossing flower or some kind of flower such as a peace lily which symbolizes "peace, tranquility, purity, harmony and hope" and is often given as a gift to those who lost a love one or are otherwise mourning or grieving. I didn't mean like a romantic red rose or bouquet which could be used in an inappropriate way to try and act romantic or sexual with other forum members.

I never said we should remove the hug reaction I was just trying to brainstorm if we could possibly add an alternative because there's at least a small amount of users on here who are uncomfortable with it.

Okay if flowers are a bad idea how about a peace sign or a dove with an olive branch as a reaction to symbolize you care about other forum members when they are upset and you wish them peace and well-being without trying to "hug them"?
The mention of the olive branch made me think of a sprout and hands. I decided to look around on Google images for hand icon ideas and plant ideas for representing support and found these. A general idea of these could work, assuming the staff is ok with the idea of adding an alternative to the hug or have it as the alternative toggle option when you toggle hug off. (Assuming they want to or can even do a hug toggle, and if they want to make artwork for the alternative support icon). And if any of the members like the idea of these.
Support icon ideas.png
Thank you for this. I submitted some private feedback to CTS. I’m hoping I was clear enough in that post.
I did not think expressing my discomfort with the hug react would prompt so much of a discussion I gotta say.

Another reason I brought it up is I as well as some friends are uncomfortable with certain men on here who have acted inappropriately in the past (or in some cases, in the present). I didn't think I'd have to bring this up honestly, I thought being uncomfortable with strangers hugging you, even without touch aversion, was understandable enough for people to go "Yeah if it's making people uncomfy something should be done". I can't deny I'm kinda disappointed with the responses even after neurodivergency and mental illnesses were mentioned just boiling down to "well I like it :)".

At the very least I do like Aerith's compromise of just changing the name. I feel that may make things less unpleasant for certain people while still keeping the emoji for others who like the hugs.
I can see how some people would be uncomfortable with the hug react. I do think a toggle would be the best solution, that way users who like it can use it and those who don't can just opt out. Personally, I like it, so I'd keep it toggled on for myself. As for a flower react, I'm not sure if I'd use it much myself, but I wouldn't mind it being added for those who want it. But yeah, as others have mentioned some thought would probably need to be given as to which flower would be best for that
i guess i’m not very online these days, so maybe i don’t take a hug react very literally, beyond it being an emoji of two blue people hugging. but if it makes people uncomfortable, maybe it could be disabled on an individual, post-by-post basis.

or maybe in user/privacy settings, you could toggle which reactions are allowed to be added to your posts as a global setting. the same way you can turn on/off dms, decide who can view your profile, etc

but i’m guessing this all depends on the limitations/features of the forum

as a short-term solution, maybe ppl can add to their posts/signature “don’t hug react” or “don’t react.” the same way people on tumblr in the olden days would tag their posts with “don’t reblog” (although some ppl would not read it reblog anyway lmao). but tbt is small enough a platform that i feel like the forum culture would adapt and be accommodating to people who feel this way ab certain reacts
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I really didn't want to bring this up but...

How come people who are uncomfortable with the hug reaction don't just put "please don't hug react/react in general" on their posts/signature/etc?

Literally when the hug and party popper reactions were first introduced I made this post saying how I think the new hug reaction will be useful to show support for other forum members instead of the "Like" and "Love" reactions which could possibly be misleading and make people believe that the people who Liked/Loved reacted are happy about others misfortunes when people previously used the love reaction to show "sending love your way" and the like reaction to acknowledge people's posts so they don't feel ignored hence the hug reaction was created in the first place as a solution and then I said "but I really wish people would stop using the hug reaction on my posts but I don't that's gonna stop anytime soon so whatever." and someone literally decided to hug react that very same post and someone else decided to party popper react to that post...?

So why don't people just say please no hug reactions on their posts/signature/etc. and hope other forum members respect their wishes? Um yeah about that...
i guess i’m not very online these days, so maybe i don’t take a hug react very literally, beyond it being an emoji of two blue people hugging. but if it makes people uncomfortable, maybe it could be disabled on an individual, post-by-post basis.

or maybe in user/privacy settings, you could toggle which reactions are allowed to be added to your posts as a global setting. the same way you can turn on/off dms, decide who can view your profile, etc

but i’m guessing this all depends on the limitations/features of the forum

as a short-term solution, maybe ppl can add to their posts/signature “don’t hug react” or “don’t react.” the same way people on tumblr in the olden days would tag their posts with “don’t reblog” (although some ppl would not read it reblog anyway lmao). but tbt is small enough a platform that i feel like the forum culture would adapt and be accommodating to people who feel this way ab certain reacts

This would help a lot until there is a solution since I am probably not going to remember who said they were uncomfortable with it. I know when I was uncomfortable with unsolicited advice in the bothering thread, a staff member told me to add no replies to my post. A few people still didn’t listen, but it helped for the most part.
This would help a lot until there is a solution since I am probably not going to remember who said they were uncomfortable with it. I know when I was uncomfortable with unsolicited advice in the bothering thread, a staff member told me to add no replies to my post. A few people still didn’t listen, but it helped for the most part.
So why don't people just say please no hug reactions on their posts/signature/etc. and hope other forum members respect their wishes? Um yeah about that...
yeah, so as a short-term solution, it could be helpful to have staff backup on this. in the sense of… making an announcement/temporary “community guideline”-type thing that says “hey be mindful of peoples’ requests until we work out a long-term solution to this.” a lot of people won’t really be aware/listen unless it’s made kinda obvious why people are making those requests (and that they’re making them in the first place) :)