Senior Member
I can understand the use of the hug react in a thread like What's Bothering You, but what really confuses me about the hug react is when people use it for no apparent reason. I have gotten hug reacted multiple times when I was just making a joke (with no hint of sadness or anything), or making a basic complaint about ACNH (or something along those lines). I get that it's not a real hug but like.. why are you hug reacting when I am clearly not upset, I don't understand what you mean by this. Is this person making fun of me somehow? Idk, it just really throws me off.
If it were possible, it would be nice if we could toggle off hug reacts!
(Sorry if I ever reacted when there was no need. I miss jokes a lot of times since I’m on the spectrum, even when it obvious).
That is kinda related to my concern; some reacts I feel like are or can be used as something else and not for how they are supposed to be used.
Personally I’m fine with hug reacts if the post is appropriate for one. I view it as a sign of support. I don’t associate it with actual touching; I have ocd but hug reacts don’t bother me.
I get why it may bother others. It would help if people added no reacts or hugs to their posts if it makes them uncomfortable since people including myself don’t know and I might forget honestly since the posts here will eventually get buried.
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