The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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Woo. Hope I can cycle some out, this is getting annoying. Gotten very few pings overall and only two about moving which was from deers of course.
Aww, I feel you :C Bella took aggeeess to move out.

Which two villagers do you have, that you don't want?
Elvis and Hans. I actually raged my bug net on Elvis because I was mad before lol. I know it doesn't help but jdhfjg those guys MOOOOOVE.

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omg no fishing toruney.. barf.
Elvis and Hans. I actually raged my bug net on Elvis because I was mad before lol. I know it doesn't help but jdhfjg those guys MOOOOOVE.

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omg no fishing toruney.. barf.

aw i had hans and i actually liked him i felt so bad afterwards when i kept hitting him with the net and he finally moved :C
yeah is the only tolerable gorilla. but heck he doesnt wanna move and always hides.

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jgjh. gah no luck still.
WANTED: Clay, Lily, Apple, Rosie, Lolly, Kiki, Hamlet, Carmen, Bonbon, Dotty..

Please help me get these villagers!
Clay, Lily, Apple, Rosie, Lolly, Kiki, Hamlet, Carmen, Bonbon, Dotty, Mint...

I have for trade: Snake, Curt, Olaf, Peaches...
3 Mil, Sweets Set, Complete Fish set..
Lily's in my campsite. I can invite her in and try to TT her out but idk as it'll take me a while haha
Posting a picture below...

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Awww, well that's a lot of work for Lily, it's ok. I really really want the kitties or hammies most! But thank you so much!

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[LF] Punchy... (My Baby Beau left... ; ;)

So I woke up and Beau was gone. No warning, no TT... he just wasn't there...

I'm like... devastated.. I don't know what to do because I have 9 villagers who I all want, so I can't cycle villagers to get him back.

I have to replace him with another lazy... I suppose if I had to have someone else it would be Punchy... I thought Zell was lazy but I'm mistaken.

Uhm... willing to pay bells if I have to. Any amount up to 13m

Sorry I'm all upset ; ;
Aww. :( I'm sorry for your loss. I would feel the same. Good luck in your search! I love Punchy and I'm sure he'd make you happy!
Aww I know that feel. Beau left me too about a week ago and I'm still upset :(. Good luck, I hope you find him soon!
I keep track of my move dates for just this reason. If the previous mover's date arrives and no one's pinged to move? Time for saving and quitting until I find someone who does! I don't always have time to chat to everybody every day, and this method has never failed me yet!
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