The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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Bump. Lost Wolfgang :,( desperately looking for Chief now. Will trade any of the above items for him.
No one? Eh, I was expecting any responses for a trade like that lol

- - - Post Merge - - -

Looking for Zucker. Offering Lucha, Graham, or Tsx.
Looking for Hamlet

Looking for hamlet if anyone has him in boxes

I have bells or items

Sloppy set x2
Gold rod x3
Gold net x3
Gold shovel
Gold axe
Gold slingshot
Gold can
Toy hammer
Kitchen island
Sea globe x2
Pic of apple
Pic of marshal
I'm searching for my MOST all time favorites,
Lolly, Olivia, Diana, Melba, Willow, Marshal, and Pecan
I beg you
PM me if you have any of these ;-;
Looking for Fauna <3 Offering bells (and hybrids?)

I know there's a looking for thread, but I never see anyone actually get a dreamie from there so I thought I would have better luck making a thread. (I still don't expect much)

As the title says, I'm offering bells and I also have about 20 purple pansies and 20 blue roses I could give. c;
Anyone have Papi the lazy horse?

I have bells, hybrids, and sets to offer.

I've been looking for him everywhere :(

Looking for Kevin***, Hugh**, Gala*, Cobb Crackle, or Rasher. I can pay 1mil for one of them, and I only want one. I listed them in order of who I want most. Thank you!
LF Lily the Frog!

Hi! I'm looking for the one and only turquoise, rosy-cheeked Lily the Frog.
I would really love this adorable little froggy, so I'm willing to pay...

- 4 mil


- 7 mil if she's in boxes/you can TT to her moving date NOW or ASAP


- Anything from my catalog (clothes, shoes, songs, hats, whatever. I have 80% catalog badge, I should have majority, but not EVERYTHING. Let me know if you want something specific!)

- Any orderable set(s) of your choice (Rococo, Mad Scientist, Space, etc..I have them all)

- Any orderable DLC (I should have them all, but I might be missing one or two)

Also, my town is full at the moment, so I will need to get Hamphrey out first.

Hopefully someone out there has this cute little villager!
So apparently mod no gusta my thread. Idk how many look here at all.

But looking for Bam and Diana the deers. Can offer well so contact me, or if you have a thread let me know.
[Buying] LF Bam, the jock deer!

Hi ^.^

My little Scoot decided to leave and although I'm kind of sad about it I think it's time for him to move on :) Now I am looking for Bam (whose name is to short to use the search tool T.T). I have searched some cycling threads for him but he doesn't seem to be residing in any cycling town at the moment :/ Is there ayone who's got Bam and wants to get rid of him? (Or has him already in boxes?). I'd LOVE to adopt him <3


I can offer a few million bells, hybrids, sloppy wall clock, mush furniture, villager pictures and Scoot (I want him to go to a loving home, but I know he's not very popular ^^').
Yush, him and Diana, the last two deers I need. And since I got Elvis out I have one spot free atm :3
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