The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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That would be soooo nice of you :) But you would TT to get him out, right? :D Or would you just wait for him to ask again?
Yep, I've been TTing to get someone else to leave and during that time he asked to leave twice. D:

Gah ended up taking in Genji for teh lulz. Gonna be shiet to get out Hans though. So grats if you get Bam :3

Darn I wanted to trade Bam for Genji but it seems like an unfair trade considering that Genji is pretty popular. ;;
Looking for Kabuki. :3 Last villager I need.
Villagers I can potentially trade are Julian, Stitches, Deirdre, and Grizzly.
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Okay, so is it for sure then that I can adopt him? :) Because I would have to withdraw my offer for Deidre on another thread then ^^' I'd be soo happy :) :3 ^.^
Looking for Rudy/Hamlet, Phoebe/Flurry/Mitzi, Papi/Clyde/Elmer

Villagers wanted:

Please let me know if you have one of these up for adoption. I would like to adopt now. I can offer Bells, DLC's, rare items, etc.

Ahhhh I feel really bad that I can't give you a definite answer because it really depends on if I can get Julian to show up.... ( ;___; ) I will keep you posted, but you're welcome to take any other Bam offers you get if I take too long though!
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Ahhhh I feel really bad that I can't give you a definite answer because it really depends on if I can get Julian to show up.... ( ;___; ) I will keep you posted, but you're welcome to take any other Bam offers you get if I take too long though!

Okay :) I will withdraw my interested in Deidre because the chance to get Bam is much more important to me :) And Scoot is not going to move until Saturday so maybe you can give me a definite answer by then :) Thank you so much!

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And good luck with getting Julian! ^.^
Okay :) I will withdraw my interested in Deidre because the chance to get Bam is much more important to me :) And Scoot is not going to move until Saturday so maybe you can give me a definite answer by then :) Thank you so much!

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And good luck with getting Julian! ^.^
Just letting you know I got Julian! I'll be sure to let you know when Bam is ready to move. I hope you don't mind the wait since I need to ship out another villager~
Looking for Lionel, Kitty, Monique or Ankha.
I'm in bad need for a snooty cat or a smug lion since I have lacked smug and snooty since June.
Looking for Fauna~

Daisy recently sneaked away, so I have a free space. =3=
I had Fauna a while back, and I'm pretty sure I've had more than enough villagers come and go to get her back.

I don't have many bells right now, but I am working on getting some more.
She doesn't need to be moving right away unless you are looking for something other than bells.

Just post your offer, and I'll see what I can do .3.
Looking For Last Dreamie: Bones

Wanted to know if anyone is willing to trade/give me Bones.

I don't have anything to trade for but I can keep a look out for villagers in the campsite.
Can't get:

As I haven't cycle through them.
Okay! I am currently looking for Bam or Rod and Bunnie. However, I really want Bam or Rod first before I get Bunnie. Help a gal out <3
Looking for Kabuki

Please help me find Kabuki , he is my dreamie, i can give bells
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Dream Residents: Kabuki, Katt, Lucky, Merengue, Octavian, Zucker

Semi-dream Residents: Agnes, Bluebear, Croque, Drago, Francine, Frita, Hazel,
Maple, Mira, Pekoe, Purrl, Ribbot, Stitches, Tangy, Tia, Tiffany, Vladimir, Walker, Wendy


um i know this is months later but i have hazel if you would like her (as a trade, ^^; )
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