The Official Villager Signature Thread!

I thought I'd see if anyone replied after I went to bed. Unfortunately it seems it was an odd hour. I no longer need signatures, but if you're online within the next hour, I could gift you a cherry, Melyora.

Owh, yes please! :D

For me, it was an odd hour at the moment of your post. Like, 4 AM XD You want to come over to mine or shall I go to yours? I'll add your FC now ;)
Looking to have 2 more signatures for Ankha's petition.
I'm willing to pay you in in game bells, up to a million or 2!
Marshal needs signatures for "Animals Are People Too". Is anyone willing to let me come over and collect some?
Can someone please let me come to their town to fill out the petition "Scary faces are still faces"?
Add me to the commonly available list, I'll help anyone, anytime I'm on, just shoot me a PM and add my FC! :D
Phoebe needs signatures for the Night-Owl Club! Hopefully someone can help since I want to increase my friendship with her ^.^