The Official Who's Got What Thread

LadyAnayumi said:
Fire Emblem isn't really my thing. I suck at most strategy games really =|
But, one of my friends has sorta gotten me into it, so I might think about giving it a go.
Ohhhh. Well, at least give it a rent, because I'm seriously concerned for Fire Emblem as a franchise in the US. It's been selling somewhat poorly because of lack of advertisement and stuff, so they might stop releasing them in the US.
Oh wow o_O
Yea, it is more of a Japanese thing if you ask me.
But I guess I could try it sometime.

Heh, amazing.
I'm a big fan of all things Japanese.
This never really caught my eye XD
Oh well.
*Can finally update her library*

Cooking Mama: Cook Off
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Guitar Hero III
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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