The painful truth about Time-Traveling

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Not to discredit your essay but I don’t think it’s that deep bro. I also don’t understand the correlation between crime rates in Asia vs TT in Animal Crossing.

I also disagree that time travelers are the reason to blame for the way the game is. I think it’s because games are taking longer to develop and live service updates are becoming increasingly popular in the video game industry.

I think the Bunny Day event was the way it was because they wanted to give people more time to collect and compete the Bunny Day recipes instead of shoving everything into one day.
We need something on the header saying "___ days since last time traveling discussion thread"

If we make it to a week we all get a prize LOL
This kind of thing always reminds me of a Woody Woodpecker episode where the witch keeps trying to use her brooms to go after him but none of them works, and she desperately repeats "and here we go..." before trying yet another faulty broom. It became a huge meme around here lol.
I don't think Nintendo put constant updates in just because of TTing. (TBH, TTing may not have had anything to do with it at all.) They probably did it because the AC team also worked on Splatoon. They saw how rolling out updates made people stay interested in playing the game longer and the community stayed more engaged. They wanted to try this with Animal Crossing.

So you can hate on TTing if you want, I suppose, but I'm not sure you're picking the right reason (being angry about incompleteness and updates) to hate on it, when that may not be the reason those things even exist.

Best thing is this is a "Asia is better than the West" thread to boot.. What I wouldn't give to see the moderation just stop allowing these threads...​
I do think that having a discussion on the pros and cons of time travel can be fun, so I'm not personally against these threads as long as people aren't getting too argumentative in them. A good 'ol debate can be fun as long as it's civil, but this really just comes off as racist. So I cannot say I support this specific thread...
I can't get over the fact that someone sat down like "oh an Animal Crossing forum is DEFINITELY the right place to go on a lengthy diatribe about the superiority of my culture"
I do think that having a discussion on the pros and cons of time travel can be fun, so I'm not personally against these threads as long as people aren't getting too argumentative in them. A good 'ol debate can be fun as long as it's civil, but this really just comes off as racist. So I cannot say I support this specific thread...
Yeah, there's better ways to properly discuss a subject than projecting an ideal view of a part of the world in reality, just because that looks better.

This topic reminds me of people who live in Japan and often say that, if you have want to live in Japan because you think you know how it is based on anime/manga, dont even come because it's nothing like this. A lot of westerners have an idealized view of Japan (which is kinda like a lot of people here in Brazil had - and some still have - an idealized view of the US that doesn't match the reality) and they will believe they know they're right because they want to be right.

Best thing is this is a "Asia is better than the West" thread to boot.. What I wouldn't give to see the moderation just stop allowing these threads...​
I've tried to push for them to be limited or at least cornered into a single thread, but I either got told "lol just ignore the threads" (a solution about as useless as they come) or told by a mod that the discussion is popular and people want to talk about it. This is the result apparently. People "talking" about it by posting "lol who cares" or "it's just a game" or rehashing the same thing from every other thread about the subject. Top quality discussion indeed.
it aint that serious dog. i don't TT because that's not fun for ME but I don't care if everyone else does...
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The animal crossing community would be more of the utopia you wish it was if we all just respected the way each other plays :) I don't TT but there's absolutely no reason to be rude to people who do and conflate that with time travelers having no moral compass or respect for others. I think the best way to show respect in this situation is to live and let live because it is in fact just a game :)
Have you NOT bothered to take a look at the Japanese vids on YouTube? The majority (not minority) of them TT and have very elaborate islands. The entire basis to your argument already took a hit from that.
There is only Right or Wrong in kid's thinking. But for adult, they should think which one fits them better.
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But really my dude, bashing another culture and throwing out false claims is kind of pushing it don't you think? No doubt that even the Japanese TT and get really competitive about island aesthetic on a family-friendly Nintendy game too. Shouldn't be concern about how others play their game, whether you wish it or not, bashing TT'ers won't stop them from TT-ing. We should just worry about our own island and it's progress.
Just like someone is telling me that the speed limit on the freeway is 65 MPH, and telling others that the highest speed should go is 65 MPH. But why the speedometer is not only 65 MPH? And I'm sorry, I'm driving a sport car.

There is only Right or Wrong in kid's thinking. But for adult, they should think which one fits them better.
This is just a poor analogy. Speed limits are imposed to prevent people from driving dangerously on the road and harming themselves and others. Time travelling hardly ever affects anyone else's life, especially not to the extent that dangerous drivers do.
After reading replies on here, I feel like literally everyone has fail to understand the point I'm trying to get across even those who normally agree with me.

There was a lot of things I wanted to write and couldn't get em all in on time, things such as there are bad apples everywhere. Yes there are TTers and dupers in Asia, its not perfect. Hence why I said there are pro and con of each cultures but I couldn't cover every bases in writing. I figure it would be understood.

And I have said it multiple times on here I'm not against all time-travelers. Some people time travel because they only care about decorating their town, because of work, because they are bore, because they want to kick a villager out, and etc... There are legitimate reason why people time-travel.

But as a whole it hurts the AC community. This is not just a single player game. A true single player game doesn't have an online component to it. People who don't time travel are at a massive disadvantage when it comes to all the bells and whistles.

If you are TT each day little by little, then this thread was never for you because I am not against every TTers, just those that use this mechanic to abuse/exploit the online mechanics.

I wanted to add a different perspective between the two cultures. I'm not saying the Asian culture is superior (I much rather have western upbringing) but there are games that are just as cute as AC that never made it into westerner hand. And I'm not talking about race, I'm talking about culture. Asians are really no different in western society as anyone else. Culture affect everyone regardless of race, gender, nationalities, etc...

Everytime I made a thread and pour everything in it, people constantly just seem to misunderstood the point I'm trying to get across hence why I gave a little background regarding culture.
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