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The painful truth about Time-Traveling

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It's not that deep man, people have more reasons to time travel beyond instant gratification. I've played games in the series both ways and can understand why people find each play style appealing. This whole thing reads like a weirdly written essay that's just jumping from one topic to another for no reason. Culture has absolutely nothing to do with this, there are people all over the world playing these games that either time travel or don't for their own reasons.

If Nintendo wanted to prevent time travelling it would be hilariously easy for them to implement those measures, but even the developers have been quoted saying that they don't consider it as cheating.
Personally I don't mind people that TT for their own sake. You payed the money for the game, so play however you want to play it. It just bothered me a little in the beginning that the game was JUST out and already (due to TT) people began posting spoilers, events and all kinds of unlocked items on youtube and social media which has removed some of the surprises for me that I already knew about because of some posts flying by online or thumbnails on youtube...

But again...do whatever you want ^^
Ah, ****. Here we go again.


In the past few days, this discussion has done nothing but divide the community and start meaningless argument over animals who talk.
Also, as a Southeast Asian native this is the most ignorant statement I've ever read:

There is a lot of hate and anger in western society that doesn't exist in Asia. Asia is the safest continent on earth and it is a result of a long standing culture of discipline and family values.

No. Asia is NOT a safe continent. It never is. It's teeming with abuse, social pressure leading to youths committing "not alive", human trafficking and the worst case of government greed and corruption to the point of instilling fear to the entire citizens of their country. (Yes, not all but majority of the Asian countries prefer totalitarian approach to everything. Which I will NOT discuss further over Animal Crossing of all things.)

I understand your frustration over time travelers but stop talking about things you don't even understand esp. things like cultures of differing continents. No offense but stop.
Was this post really worth it, OP? The level of generalization you've got here...I will not take the time to unpack it all.

I don't time travel. Some of my friends do, some of my friends don't. I spent three hours last night playing in both our time-traveled and untime-traveled islands. And guess what? Whether I was lounging in my friend's hot spring at 2 am [their time], or playing on a summer morning at my other friend's beach....we all had a blast.

Shouldn't fun be the deciding factor in all this? There's no 'right' way to play Animal Crossing...or any game.
After reading through what you've wrote, I can understand that you are upset with time travellers and it's really not your personal preferred style. But to try to say that "asians are the good guys and western culture is selfish and dishonorable" is taking it waaay to far, my friend. There are good and bad people all over the world. Let's show some love to everyone.
We've got people in the US who don't time travel. And no way am I going to believe there isn't someone in Asia (let alone Japan) who hasn't time traveled.
lmao right
one of my favorite streamers (who is a korean streamer) has already finished his town, finished his bug & fish encyclopedia, and kicked out all the villagers he wanted using time travel. truly a king
Why can't people just keep their eyes on their own plate instead of putting their nose in everyone else's business and judging what others do...so many are bothered by what other people do in a GAME...this is NOT real life and if you think because someone might time travel a day ahead means they would do rotten things in life...um, ok. This forum is so toxic lately, so much complaining and/or self righteous and pretentious people judging how others play.
There are things people do I may not agree with but guess what? I can choose not to interact with those people and move on with my day rather than let it get to me and write an essay on why they are bad etc etc etc ad nauseam. So over this.
Why can't people just keep their eyes on their own plate instead of putting their nose in everyone else's business and judging what others do...so many are bothered by what other people do in a GAME...this is NOT real life and if you think because someone might time travel a day ahead means they would do rotten things in life...um, ok. This forum is so toxic lately, so much complaining and/or self righteous and pretentious people judging how others play.
There are things people do I may not agree with but guess what? I can choose not to interact with those people and move on with my day rather than let it get to me and write an essay on why they are bad etc etc etc ad nauseam. So over this.
I imagine the same people complaining about TTing also gatekeep other hobbies or interests of theirs because they believe that their way of doing something is always superior.

Imagine feeling self-righteous about how you play a damn video game lmao couldn't be me
I have read somewhere that the Japanese are more considerate toward others, in that they keep to one side on an escalator to allow those that want to climb past, etc...

So apply that consideration here. Let others play this game the way they'd like to.
Whilst I understand and respect your own opinion, does it really need to be reiterated almost every single day on these forums?

You are more than welcome to voice concerns, but this post isn't going to magically stop everyone from TTing. All this is doing is fuelling the potential for people to have a little scrap here and there. Just let people play how they want, and don't make them feel bad for how they choose to play 😔
Always an us vs them scenario trying to demonize TT'ers as these humans without basic morals and can't accept the fact that TT'ers and non TT'ers can coexist and play a game they both enjoy and help each other in
crazy times
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