The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

bringing two baskets of 9, grabbing them right now, adding you, then coming over
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Does anyone have Perfect Apples? Sorry, I have no other perfect fruit for you to exchange with, but you can have anything in my catalog!
I know this is a dumb questions but I didn't really pay attention to the fruits and stuff in the game until recently and I just know if you plant a perfect fruit it comes out as a normal fruit tree so how do you get bushels of perfect fruit?? ;-; sorry to bother you
Sometimes a perfect fruit will just grow on your regular trees (although it's reaaaaaly rare except for at the beginning of the game)
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I'd like to trade a basket perfect apples for a basket of perfect cherries!
Inbox me if you'd like to trade.
I need to sell my perfect apples. I have quite a lot, so it will take me a few trips. I will gladly tip anyone who has perfect apples on premium. :) send me a PT if you can help me out.
I'd like to trade a basket of perfect apples for a basket of perfect cherries! I have the perfect apples. I want perfect cherries, not perfect apples because I already have them.
I have Perfect Oranges, I'm looking for all other Perfect Fruits! Would prefer to trade full baskets :)