The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

@Lou - I'm available for the next 3-4hrs or so if you wanted to trade for the bushel of perfect oranges.

@Joey, do you want to trade for some perfect cherries? I have another bushel of oranges available, too.
I have baskets full if perfect peaches ready to trade for any other perfect fruit c:
Please VM me if interested!
I have around 12 baskets of perfect cherries I'd like to trade for perfect apples or perfect peaches - please VM me if you're interested!
I've got tons of perfect cherries or regular other fruit to exchange for a peach of any kind. A villager requested it. PM me if you're available. Thanks.
I have a lot of perfect pears I'd love to trade for other types of perfect fruit!
I'm trading perfect apples for perfect peaches. PM me if you're interested! :)
Looking for Perfect Pears and Perfect Oranges! I have Perfect Cherries and can get Perfect Pears & Perfect Apples. PM me if interested :D
Just looking for 3 perfect cherries in exchange for 6 perfect apples. PM or DM me if you can exchange the perfect cherries.
yo trading perf peaches for all other perfect fruit c:
pm / vm me if interested
I'm looking for perfect pears and more perfect peaches. I've got perfect apples to exchange. =03
I've got several baskets of perfect oranges, and I'm interested in trading 1:1 for baskets of any other kind of perfect fruit.
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I've got a bunch of perfect pears, happy to exchange for any other perfect fruit :D
Pm if interested!
Perfect oranges are on premium in my town right now! Message me if you'd like to come sell. :)