The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

I have prefect oranges!
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Name: Allison
Town: dutchess
FC: 2853-0203-2543
Dream address:4200-5253-8067
i have an overabundance of perfect cherries (literally 20+ stacks of 9 oops) and would be really thrilled to have some taken off my hands! any other type of perfect fruit would be amazing :eek:
My town is running a premium on perfect pears today if this would help anyone, only asking in exchange one basket of pears or a bell bag tip...this of course depends on how many you are wishing to sell, I am assuming high volume but otherwise a basket of the fruit would do, am posting this in the station as well.

Only other rule is don't take anything without asking, and normal etiquette rules and all that. Am posting this before moving on to a different day as saw it in the middle of trying to cycle out Gala but figured may help some people out so will see if any responders.
does anyone have perfect oranges? i could give you perfect cherries for it. VM/PM me if you want to trade c:
trading 2 perfect oranges for either 2 perfect peaches/apples/cherries
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